I was resurrected at the collapse of the black garden, a titan names Keira the one who destroyed the heart of darkness had lost her life in the last shadows of that dark place...her ghost unable to revive her, fell to me...Alia though me everything it meant to be a guardian being her second...she had the upper hand...i was never much of a guardian but i quickly made a name for myself in the crucible...the dragonfly given to me as it seemed any gun i held obtained the perk...something to do with how the arc energy reacted to my body...then i meat Ikora...the vanguard mentor of the warlocks...my mentor.....Ikora.
The black in my head faded and i could see her....but there was this force....Eribus....i felt her anger her intentions....i couldnt let it happen....no. i push against the shadows...she wont hurt Ikora, i wont let her. Then i lost it....i dont know what happened but then it was black again....cold again...so very cold


Black storm clouds began to cover the city as guardians and taken fought for control of the city district, the smoke settled in the air making it harder and harder to see but with the coming rain that would soon no longer be a problem, the whole side of the city and tower where in ruens....the only thing standing was the wall....that cast a deep midnight shadow over the rising sunrise that shone over the other distincts.
"We need to keep this contained main forces line a barrier" Zavala booms to his squadrons of guardians.
"Your are only hope Ryder....stop her" Ikora prayed to the rising sun.

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