"Sorry Lady Tyrax...if i hear anything youll be the first to know ill put the word out...Leonite and Vrtra was it...dam that cant be good" Ezra says sharpening her blade, for a guardian shes young...but for a warlock that makes her more deadly...sharper mind and all that.
"No problem thanks Ez" I say with a smile giving her a fist bump.
I was just about to leave when all of a sudden....BOOOM!
The street was filled with a fog of dust as screams echoed off building...when the dust cleared i saw that the while south wing of the tower had fallen away and destroyed many of the buildings below.
"Holy...shit" Ezra says walking along side me.
With out a word to each other we both ran towards the wreckage helping everyone we could...
Ezra jumped ahead using her dawn blade to gain some extra lift over the crowd of fleeing people.
"All guardian...this is commander Zavala...the Warlock Vrtra has gone roge i repeat....she is roge..." Zavala weazed over the networks.
"Vrtra...v did that" i cant help but say it out loud...Vrtra was one of the best guardians i know...she wouldnt do this....would she?
"...it not her" Ikora stumbles over some rock, still in shock from the blast... i quickly steady her.
"The darkness...took her...they call her Eribus now" the raw pain in the womans voice made my heart shatter...Vrtra meant every to her...especially since caydrs death...their bond was more then student and apprentice...some would say like mother and daughter...id say more sisters...but never the less...the sorrow in Ikoras eyes...was enough to turn anyones heart over.
"Find her...Tyrax...save her" Ikora gasps coughing up dust.
"Ezra with me!" I command...any other guardian would now kill Vrtra on site...would we have to?
My mind was racing as adrenaline pumped through me...what had happened up there...what about Ryder....and Vrtra....why....why would she do this?
"Guardians...find her...what ever this is...bring her back" Ikora adds to Zavalas later massage...

her words adding to our resolve...we'll bring her home.

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