"You look like shit..." Leonite says to the rather twitch Vrtra.
"Hello to you too" she spits back loading hawkmoon into its holster.
"Remember the plan we get in and we hit em hard" Ryder says with enthusiasm. "Just stay safe you three..." Zavala says in conjunction with Ana. The team nods summoning there sparrows and whizzing out to the mars caves.
"You sure your up for this V you look a little worse for wear" Ryder says with a worried look on his face.
"Ill be fine...just this place gives me the creeps thats all...my human bodys probably laying around round here" she says discomfort in her voice.
"Good point" he answers as he signals the others to equip there helmets.
The three descended into the frozen caves. Leonite breath freezing as he spoke "ant you lot glad you cant feel the cold".
Vrtra was quick taken aback like a flash of a life she never new...for a split second she could feel the cold air around her.
"V are you sure your okay" Ryder says holding her arms, his face growing with worry.
Leonite turns to look comfort his friend but her eyes....where so full of fear he stopped, fear pumped through him. "V..." he went to say before the ground shook with an omens earthquake.
"Jesus christ...is that xol" Ryder says grabbing a near wall to steady himself.
The roof of the cave cracked and splintered, a piece fell opening up a gash in the floor separating Vrtra from the other.
"Guys!" She said in fear as the floor fell from under her, her ghost getting spat out of the icy mist.
"Got ya" Leonite says catching the ghost,"You good little one".
"Vrtra...." Allia says orienting her self as the rumbling stops.
"Its alright well get her back...im sure shes fine" Ryder comfort looking over the edge at the swirling cavern of icy mist..."shell be alright" he says again hoping more then anything.
"Her signals weak i can still find her!" Alia shouts zipping to Ryders side.
"That would be suicide Ali...who knows whats down there...stay with us and we can get her back safely" Ryders ghost says appearing at his side. She submisses joining Leonite as they continue down the caves.
"I hope your right about that" Leonite says to Ryder.
"I know i am...shes the dragonfly..." he answers half trying to convince himself.

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