"You won't have too...Uldrin Sov is mine" Ryder says starring Zavala dead in the eyes before leaving.
"You know what Commander Zavala said! You can't just go and start a war with The Awoken Prince" Leonite shouted chasing after him.
"I'm not letting that son of a bitch get away with killing my mentor! So don't you start telling me what I should and shouldn't do!" Ryder yelled back as his eyes turned red.
"I can't believe this. You are not thinking rationally! Vrtra tell him!" Leonite looked over to Vrtra.
When Leonite called her she immediately flinched as if she was dejected from reality
"Ryder. You know we wish we could help you but Zavala has got us on orders for the escapees , our hands are tied" she spoke softly.
"Then so be it! Me vs Uldren and his Barons if that's what it takes , I've dealt with greater odds before!" Ryder shouted.
"Oh grow up Ryder! The main concern at the moment is that the City is unaffected by these cretins from the Prison!" Leonite stood tall over Ryder.
"Would you just shut up for once and stop sounding like Zavala!" Ryder retorted.
Leonite then backhanded Ryder to the nearby railing
"Take that back!"
Ryder recovered from the attack and stuck up his middle finger to Leonite
"I'm going to The Reef whether you like it or not! I'm not letting Cayde's death go unavenged".
Leonite grew silent as a spec of Void Energy circled his fist as Ryder readied his throwing knives
"Would you two quit it already! Why are we even fighting over this?" Vrtra yelled.
"Because we are a fireteam! We all agreed that we would do what is needed together. Ryder can't just run off on a suicide run!" Leonite shouted without averting his gaze from Ryder.
"A suicide run?! How can you say that? Cayde was MY Mentor, MY friend! For him to be killed by that bastard Uldren is just an insult to his memory" Ryder retaliated.
"Uldren is like any royal idiot. He'll slip up and get himself killed sooner or later by his Barons" Leonite said.
"How would that honour Cayde's memory? No I'm going to the Tangled Shore whether you like it or not Leonite!" Ryder then walked away.
"Ryder..." Vrtra said weakly as Leonite put his hand on her shoulder.
But Ryder didn't turn to face his comrades, instead he continued towards his ship to chase down Uldren and his Barons with Vengeance as his weapon and rage in his heart.


"Id try talking you out of it" Vrtra pauses leaning on the ship hanger door, "but i know i cant...no matter what i say".
"So dont try" Ryder says through gritted teeth.
"I just cant believe hes actually gone..." Vrtra sighs leaning on the railings of the ship. A silence falls over the two exos the faint buzzing of the engine in the background.
"Ill kill him..." Ryder says.
"I know you will..." Vrtra answers slight disappointment in her voice "but...and i know you dont want to hear this...Zarlitha is threat now. Not some jacked up awoken prince".
"So you want me just to forget that son of a bitch!" Ryder snaps.
Vrtras face twist in disgust "you think your the only one who cares about Cayde...the only one whos been effeced by his death! Believe me i want Uldrin dead just as much as you do...cayde was my friend! but the darkness is coming and we have to face it...together!" She hisses back holding Hawkmoons grip.
The bitterness in the warlocks voice took Ryder by surprise.
"V i didnt mean it like that..." he tries apologise.
"That may be true...but youv said it now...Go kill that smurf faced fucker...if revenge means so much more to you...then being with the people who care about you...just promise me ryder....dont stay on this road" Vrtra says with sadness looking ryder in the eyes "dont let the sorrow take you." With those last words the warlock left.

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