"Allia...Allia....." Vrtra shouted into the swirling dust... there wasnt a blast of light so she must be fine,she comforted herself. She stood in the rubble trying to get connection to the others but she was to far down.
She noticed a continuation of the caves ahead of her using the light on hawkmoon to guid her way around...there was no light down here,only the cold of the darkness she could feel it like a thick sludge around her body almost suffocating her.
"I need to get out of here" she says to herself walking faster down the caverns.
"V..rtra" a voice echos of the wall...familiar, but she could tell whos. "Over here Vrtra..." the voice said again. Her heart filling with hope she began to run to the voice. The caves opened up into a cavern and her torch struggled to hit the sides of the cave.
The place was quite but there was something coming...a knight...no 2...3
She charged her body with arc energy firings a bolt towards the sound.
The bodies of Thralls erupted into flames lightly the on coming force.
Firings round after round the bodys fell, the bullet echoed through the cave making Vrtras head spin.she couldn't take it the noise,the fear of her ghost, the fact that they just kept coming.
With a scream of anger her body erupted into a ball of lightning insinuating the entire room. Exhaust she collapsed to her knees ready for what ever monster came next to rip her apart...but nothing...the room was lit by the burning ashes well enough to she the shadows...move.
They converged into the shape of a man...tall and strong that of a titan...he spoke "how very impressive....dragonfly" his voice was unchanged by the echo...only now could she tell whos voice she ran to with such hope.....Dredgen Yor!
Her heart struck with fear...
"Its so nice to see you my dear" he moved without a stur like he came out of her very shadow...he took her chin in hes hand moving her face to look at him a deep laugh echoing in his chest.

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