"On your left" Leonite shouts punching a Knight in the face.
"Cheers bud" Ryder answers throwing a knife into the oncoming attacker "hes coming back around you ready..."
Leonite slides to cover reloading the rocket launcher. Xol spirals round the two guardians letting out a deafening roar. Leonites fires the rocket making the worm god twist and contourt...
Before spitting out a wave of venom.


"W....what do you want" Vrtra quivers her body paralyzed in fear.
"To welcome you to a new beginning" Yor sings as a new shadow joins him...a tall slim woman,much like a hive witch but with the brawn and armour of a knight.
"Indeed..." the figure says her voice seemed to change as she spoke...shifting between familiarity and distortion.
"Lady Zarlitha..." Yor says bowing to the woman.
The air choked Vrtra like a noose...she felt her light fall away from her.
"Whats wrong guardian...is your light failing you" Zarlitha says a kindness in her voice that made Vrtra sick to her stomach.
"Who...are you?" Vrtra spits.
"A god...you could say..." the woman sings.
"Of what worms and monsters!" Vrtra retorts sarcasticly.
"The worms gave the hive life....but i gave them purpose" Zarlitha crows heroically.
"What guardian target practice" Vrtra spits as soon as the word reached the dark witchs ear she swung across the room grabbing vrtra by the face, her fingures singeing her metal work from the pure darkness they held. She tried her hardest not the shreak but the pain was unbearable.
"Youd be wise to watch your words..." she almost sings before ripping her hand away so brutal it burned gashes into Vrtra's face.
She lets out an agonising scream clutching her cheek....it shouldnt hurt...its metal...but it does like the pain is deep set in her mind in her very light. Zarlitha laughs at the sorry sight of the Warlock.

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