Rascal - Secrets, Lies, and Broken Ties

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My arms were growing weak from holding my weapon. It was time. I had to do it. After spinning in a 180 degree arc, I leaped into the air, held my weapon above my head, and came down for the kill.




"This is... awesome!" I was thrilled. For the first time in my life, I was in the Doctor's T.A.R.D.I.S. Kendall was just as awestruck as I was. Ok, actually I take that back. Saying she was awestruck would be an understatement. A severe understatement. She was about ten times as amazed as I was, at least. As she looked around and soaked it in, she began hyperventilating.

"Uh, Doctor, you wouldn't happen to have a prescription for a fangirl attack, would you?"

"I'm not that kind of doctor. I don't give prescriptions for... whatever you said."

"It's called a fangirl attack. Being the Doctor I would think you would know about things like that."

"What's a fangirl attack?"

"Just wait, you're about to find out." Kendall started running around the room pointing out features of the T.A.R.D.I.S. I didn't know about. Or more like screaming them out. The Doctor didn't help by pulling out his sonic screwdriver to try and fix the problem.

"Oh my gosh!" she screamed, "Can you believe it! We're in the actual T.A.R.D.I.S.!!"

"Yes, Kendall," I tried to bring her back to Earth, "We are in a T.A.R.D.I.S. Calm down. Doctor, do you have anywhere we can spend the night?

"Ah, I'll see what I have. Follow me to your rooms."

I had to drag Kendall by her arm (literally) to get her out of the control room. I don't think she would have moved, but I told her that the Doctor was going to show us the rest of the T.A.R.D.I.S.

On our way to our rooms, I noticed the Doctor frantically step aside and begin pushing buttons. Briefly, I saw a girl in one of the Doctor's many rooms, but the next thing I knew, she was gone.

"Who was that?" Kendall asked.

"That was a long story. Her name is Crystal, parallel dimension, time works differently, strange effect on Weeping Angels, that sort of story."


"Never mind. It's nothing. Your rooms are around the corner, make yourselves at home."

I looked around my room to see what was in it. It was a squarish room, a decent size. On the north wall was a large TV-like window that projected whatever I wanted to see. After I pressed a few buttons, it showed a stunning view of Venice. For some reason, the view comforted me, like it was a reminder of home, even though I had never been to Italy. To the left my bed, which appeared pretty normal, was placed, and on the wall hung a periodic table of the elements. That would be useful. Behind me stood the door where I entered and a chest of drawers. Finally to my right lies a desk.

The Doctor had already arranged for whatever we needed to be brought to our rooms. I simply had a duffel bag of clothes, toiletries, some weapons, my notebook, and anything other commodities I needed to make my life somewhat "at home."

Upon looking through the desk, I found small samples of various scientific elements. One of them was new, at least to my project. I scribbled in my notebook, "#18, iron solute, found in Doctor's TARDIS. 21 to go."

Later that evening, I went over to Kendall's room to check on her. She was wearing a black t-shirt with matching shorts and combing her brown hair in the mirror.

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