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A/N: Well that was fast, wasn't it? haha this idea just hit me out of nowhere today, I don't even know how but it did! :) so yes, i have already started writing my new fic, woohoooo :D this will be quite different from I'll Never Let You Go, so I hope you like it! again, I don't own anything/anyone mentioned in the story and absolutely nothing in this story is real. It's complete fiction. i did make a few of the boys a year older to go along with the story, but everyone else is about the same, hope you dont mind :) alright enough of my babbling, here's the prologue! xx 

IMPORTANT NOTE: I wrote this fic when I was a freshman in high school. That was in 2011/2012. It is now 2014. For this reason, I would like to apologize PROFUSELY for the sheer amount of carroty-ness and dorkiness in this entire story. Please do not judge my level of writing skill by this story, seeing as I clearly had no idea what I was doing when I wrote any of this, and I assure you that my writing right now is not as terrible as it was when I wrote this story. Thanks :)))

What the Heart Wants

WARNING: the ending is a bit of a plot twist, and isn't exactly something that's expected by most people? 
idk, what I'm trying to say I guess is that it's not exactly a happy ending. Sort of. I mean, in a more  abstract way it is, but. Yeah. If you're looking for a story with a generically perfect and fluffy happy ending (and I completely love those kinds of happy cutesy stories, not trying to insult anyone), you might want to click away now, because you're going to be disappointed :/
If you've stayed and have decided to read this story, well, can't say I didn't warn you.



Harry was stretched out on the couch in his flat on Friday night, relaxing as he watched tv. It had been a long while since he'd had time to watch television, what with all the stress of university life, but now that he was on his Christmas break, he felt free again. It felt nice, having no worries or responsibilities for a little while. Harry was determined to enjoy this holiday as much as possible before he had to go back to his classes, and considering that it was only the first day, Harry was quite happy.

"Harry come help me put away these groceries!" he heard a feminine voice call from the front door. Harry rolled his eyes. "Do I have to?" There was a brief moment of silence, but then he heard footsteps coming closer and closer, thudding on the carpet. Harry's best friend and flatmate Eleanor Calder poked her head through the doorway. "Get up you lazy arse, I need help," she teased, grinning at Harry. Harry let out a fake sigh of exasperation and stood up, lazily walking to the front door. "Race ya to the car!" he called out suddenly, his eyes lighting up. And just like that, both nineteen year olds took off running to unload the groceries from the trunk.

Harry and Eleanor had been best friends since primary school. They had practically grown up together, and since their mums had been best friends since they went to uni together, it was fitting that their children would be close as well. And now, they were following their mothers' footsteps and going to uni together too. Harry and El were joined at the hip; they were always there for each other and would always spend loads of time together; maybe not as much recently, but they were still as close as can be. Harry could tell her absolutely anything.

Well, ALMOST anything.

See, Harry Styles could possibly be gay. He had had a sneaking suspicion of it for maybe a couple of years; the way he couldn't help but admire guys' asses as they walked by him in tight jeans, the excitement he felt when he saw guys changing in the locker rooms in high school, the butterflies he got in his stomach when saw strong arm muscles or a defined six pack. He had always been in denial, though, never able to admit to himself who he really was. And then on top of that, last week, he went to the club, got piss drunk, and found himself snogging a guy in a bathroom stall and absolutely loving every second of it. At first he had tried to shake it off as nothing; he HAD been drunk, after all. But when he couldn't get his mind off of it, he knew that it wasn't just some stupid thing. But he wasn't sure yet, he just didn't know, and he had been conflicted about it ever since. And he hadn't exactly told Eleanor yet.

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