Chapter 14

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A/N: okay oh my god. im so pissed with myself. this chapter is absolute shit, its so short and it took me so long to write and it was so difficult ugh idk im so angry. im really sorry if it doesnt make sense or if you hate it, i dont blame you if you do....well...enjoy...or not. idk. 

i hate writers block.

alright, whatever, here ya go. please dont hate me.

Chapter 14


One nice hot shower and short drive later, Harry found himself sitting in a booth in a cozy little coffeeshop, across from none other than Louis Tomlinson himself.

He was frequently pinching himself under the table to make sure that it was in fact reality and not some twisted dream that his subconscious decided to torture him with. 

After his shower earlier, and after brushing his teeth (it had taken forever to get the taste of vomit out of his mouth; he hadn't even remembered throwing up at all), he had put on the plaid shirt and jeans that Louis had laid out for him in the bedroom he woke up in, assuming they were Liam's. The jeans were a bit baggy and the shirt was a little loose around the shoulders, but for the most part, they fit well. He had gone back to the living room, where he found Louis, already changed, sitting on the couch and texting. A thought had suddenly occured to him - he had no money. He started trying to explain to Louis, not willingly of course, that Louis should just take him home, he couldn't let Louis pay for him, but Louis had flat out refused. He kept insisting on paying for Harry, and after 5 minutes of arguing back and forth, Harry gave in. Harry had to admit though, it was so cute that Louis was demanding to pay for him and arguing so long about it, it was all quite attractive. Louis drove them to the restaurant, and now, that's where they were sat, Louis sipping on Yorkshire tea and Harry gulping down black coffee. The pain in his head had slightly reduced, the painkillers helping, but not much. But pain was the least of his worries at the moment.

He couldn't stop thinking of what he could've done at the restaurant last night, when he was drunk. He honestly remembered absolutely nothing. He was afraid to ask, but he had to know. After the waitress came by and took their breakfast orders, Harry took a deep breath. "Lou?" Louis' blue eyes snapped up to connect with Harry's, Harry having to hold back a gasp; he had really beautiful eyes. Harry could stare at them forever, they were gorgeous. "Yes?" he asked, the corners of his lips pulling up into a small, breathtaking smile. "D'you mind telling me what exactly....happened last night? Like...what did I do?..." The smile immediately disappeared, and Louis eyes crashed down to stare at the wooden tabletop. "Um....many things," Louis said quietly. "Like what?" Harry asked, seriously worried now. "Um...Haz, I don't think it's important. Let's just forget about it, yeah?" 

Okay, Harry was really REALLY scared now. It was so bad that Louis couldn't even tell him?!

"Louis, no. I need to know. Now," Harry said seriously. Louis looked back up at Harry and sighed. " were laughing uncontrollably...and crying..." he paused. Harry nodded for him to continue. " started talking to imaginary cats...and you were singing funny..." Louis chuckled at the memory. 

Hm. That wasn't so bad. "Was that all?" he asked, desperately hoping that nothing else had happened. 

Louis hesitated. "Um..."

Harry groaned. "Just say it so I can just be embarrassed and be done with it," he mumbled, lifting his coffee mug to his lips and chugging down more.

"Well, you kinda...threw up...on me...And then begged me not to tell your Mum. You started sobbing." Louis said softly. 

Harry nearly spit out all of the coffee he was drinking.


Oh god that was SO embarrassing. No no no no oh god that's awful.

His eyes widened, and he started blushing, staring at his fingers that were intertwined in his lap for a minute, billions of thoughts racing through his mind. He slowly looked up at Louis, who was looking at him sympathetically. "Louis, I am so beyond sorry, you don't understand I-" Louis lifted his hand up to stop Harry from continuing. "Harry, we've all done it. It happens, you didn't do it purposely, it was a complete accident and it doesn't matter anymore. I don't want you to be embarrassed, okay?" Harry swallowed, blushing harder as he nodded. "Please tell me that's it," Harry whispered, pained. Louis hesitated again.


" also kind of..." Louis stopped talking and stared at the ground. Harry waited a few moments, but he didn't continue. "I kind of what?" Louis shook his head. "Nothing, you did nothing. It's fine."

"No, Louis tell me."

"No, it doesn't even matter, I shouldn't have brought it up. It's alright."

The waitress walked over at that moment, holding two plates of food. She carefully set them down in front of the two boys and walked back toward the kitchens. Harry didn't even look at his food; his eyes never left Louis' angelic face. "Louis, please," he pleaded. "I need to know. I have a history of...well, being quite humiliating while drunk. I can't just not know."

Louis slowly looked up at Harry. " kind of told me that, um...that I'm pretty..." Louis blushed bright scarlet. "And then, you, tried to kiss me but...threw up instead..." he continued awkwardly, blushing redder and redder with every word. 

Harry's eyes bulged out of his sockets, and he dropped his mug of coffee, the dark liquid spilling all over the table. Neither of the boys paid any mind, their eyes were locked on each others' faces. "I what?!" Harry sputtered, horrified. Louis merely shifted awkwardly in his seat in response. "Oh my god," he whispered. "Louis, I...I just....I can't...I don't know...I wasn't trying to...I'm just so sorry I...I don't know," he stammered, not knowing what to say.

No words. He just stared. Stared at Louis, his eyes widened in an expression of shock and horror, deeply regretting ordering all that alcohol, worried that things would be awkward, worried that Louis knew now, that he found out.

Louis blushed when he met Harry's eyes. I know you didn't mean to. You were drunk. It's okay."

Without thinking about it, Harry's mouth opened and he just started talking, the words just spilling out. "No, Louis, it's not, I can't do this, I just...I don't know."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows, confused, when Harry trailed off. "Sorry, what? What is it you can't do?"

Harry wanted to kick himself right then. He needed to watch what was coming out of that big ass mouth of his. "I dunno," he mumbled, biting his lip. 

Louis cocked his head to the side, studying him carefully, their food still sitting untouched in front of them. God, he looked SO hot. The sexual frustration was overwhelming, Harry just couldn't contain himself anymore, his emotions were everywhere just aosdijweof ughhh

What was he supposed to say now? What was he supposed to do?

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