Chapter 2

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A/N: 2nd update today! im on a rollll ;) hope you like it! :D

Chapter 2



Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

This was bad. This was REALLY bad.

Harry went over to sit on the couch opposite of the one Louis was sitting on, not daring to look at the other boy once. He had to get over his weirdness that had taken over him, it was as if he couldn't function properly. Harry wasn't used to this type of thing; he was quite a confident lad and rarely ever got nervous. He sat there, hands clasped, staring down at the gray carpet. The two boys sat there in uncomfortable silence for a long few minutes, Harry all the while refusing to make eye contact with Louis. It was extremely hard; the thought of staring into Louis' beautiful ocean eyes was intriguing. Harry couldn't take the awkwardness anymore. He jumped up, still looking down at his feet. "I'll be right back," he mumbled, and sprinted toward the stairs. It was a bit rude of him, but Harry didn't care. He had to get away, he had to get Eleanor, he had to do something. Maybe if Eleanor went downstairs he'd be distracted and these...feelings...would go away. They had to.


Eleanor couldn't believe how late she was. She felt awful; she knew she was supposed to be ready 15 minutes ago but the bath had been so nice and she hadn't been checking the time and kind of...sort of...fell asleep.

Yeah yeah, whatever. Laugh it up, go ahead, make fun.

Thankfully, Harry accidentally woke her up about 20 minutes ago, banging on the door and asking why she was taking so long. Obviously, she hadn't told him that she had fallen asleep, because he'd never let it go; she knew how Harry could be. He'd be teasing her about it for a month.

Now, she was bustling around her room, trying to pick a cute outfit and doing her makeup and hair at the same time.

She couldn't figure out which skirt she wanted to wear. She had a patterened brown, white, and green one, and then she had a really nice light pink one. She was staring at the two skirts laid on her bed, trying to make up her mind. Which one would Louis like better? Ugh, decisions, decisions...

She wanted everything to be perfect. Harry was her best friend, practically her brother. She wanted him and Louis to get along, it meant everything to her. Louis was perfect, just the most amazing boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. He was kind, intelligent, romantic, always knew just what to say, and on top of that as an added bonus, he was really fit. She really liked him, and he was extremely important to her, almost as much as Harry (though Harry still comes first, he is her best friend, after all). If Harry and Louis were friends, then they could all hang out more often, and everything would just be incredible.

A loud knocking interrupted her thoughts. "El!" Harry's voice hissed through the door. Eleanor rolled her eyes. She loved Harry, she really did, but she just wanted to get ready in peace. "What?!" she called back, annoyed. "El, he's here! He's sitting downstairs in the living room, I can't just be in there alone with him! Hurry up!" Eleanor's eyes widened. "Shit," she muttered, snatching the pink skirt and pulling it on. "Harry, go downstairs please! I'll just be a minute, tell him I'll be down soon!"

"El, I'm not moving from in front of this door until you come downstairs with me."

"Harry, come ON. Don't be a brat, please go downstairs and talk to him! Get to know him! He's a great guy! I promise I won't be more than five minutes!" Eleanor begged, scurrying around the room and trying to find her white sleeveless button-down shirt.

She heard Harry sigh in exasperation. "Fine," he mumbled, and she heard his footsteps fading down the hall. She sighed in relief, finally finding her shirt, pulling it on, and running to her bathroom to finish up her makeup.

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