Chapter 13

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A/N: hi again! sorry for the delay, surprise disneyland trip aaaand i got home late :,( but heres ch 13! its short but i hope you likeee it

Chapter 13


Harry slowly blinked his eyes open, everything looking blurry, his head throbbing with pain, and the taste of vomit in his mouth. He also felt really uncomfortable in his soft bed, and when he rubbed his eyes and regained his normal vision, he saw why. He was still fully clothed, wearing what he had worn last night to go out with Louis.


What had happened last night?

All he remembered was ordering a shot or two of vodka and trying to distract himself from all the shit he had gotten himself into and-



Well fuck.

He had been completely drunk off his ass, hadn't he?

He sighed. Of course. Of course this would happen, of course he'd go to far and screw himself over as always.

Aw shit what had he said? What had he done this time? He had a history of spilling secrets when he was drunk...what had he revealed?

He refused to let himself think of the most obvious secret that would ruin him for good.

Then his eyes popped open wide, and he jumped.

This wasn't his bed.

Where was he?!

He swung his legs over the side of the bed, feeling dizzy, his skull pounding. Ugh, he just wanted to go home and ask Eleanor for painkillers and for her to make him tea and watch movies with her and make him feel better and take care of him like she always did when he was ill.

He slowly opened the door, to find himself in a small hallway. He heard clattering noises coming from what he assumed to be the kitchen, so he went down the hall and followed the noise. He ended up in a small, cozy sitting room, and he saw a doorway from which the noises were reverbating. He cautiously made his way to it, and poked his head through.

Oh god.

It was LOUIS.

He was at LOUIS' house.




He peeked through the door at the older boy, who was currently struggling with whatever it was that he was trying to make. It burst into flames, and Harry widened his eyes, about to run in there and help put it out when Louis squeaked and grabbed a bowl, filled it

with water, and dumped it over the pan, extinguishing the flame. He sighed in relief and Harry giggled; it was quite funny, Louis was so adorable. Louis' head snapped up when he heard the noise, and saw Harry at the doorway. He blushed and smiled sheepishly. "Morning, sorry for all this. My roommate Liam usually makes the food, I'm a dreadful cook, but he's nowhere to be found for whatever reason. Guess it's just you and me, Haz!" he said. Harry's insides shuddered at the nickname. He loved it. "Morning," he said, deciding he felt too sick and hungover to even attempt to not care that morning. He'd resume that later. He walked in and sat at the kitchen island, across from Louis. He buried his head in his hands, groaning, trying to get rid of the pain that was rattling his brain. "Painkillers are on the counter over there," Louis said to him softly. Harry brought his head up and looked at where Louis was pointing. Sitting there was a bottle of pills, and a glass of water. He looked at Louis, surprised. He had been such a prick to Louis yesterday, why was he being so kind? Louis smiled. "It's fine, I forgive you," he said, practically reading Harry's mind. Harry blushed. "Really though, I'm sorry about all that. Thank you." Louis shrugged. "It's fine, we all have bad days. I understand." Harry got up and picked up the bottle, swallowing two pills with the water, thinking. God, Louis was too nice to him. Way too nice, and way too perfect. It was making all this so much harder for Harry. "So," Louis began. "Since my attempt at making breakfast failed miserably, as you saw," he chuckled. "Wanna go and grab something to eat? There's a café down the street." Harry hesitated. Louis quickly continued. "Only if you want to, of course. If you want I could take you home too. Up to you." Harry thought about it for another second.

Eh, fuck it. We only live once, right? We gotta live while we're young. "Sure, the café sounds nice." He smiled warmly at Louis. Louis' eyes lit up, and he beamed, his face bright and beautiful as ever. He was absolutely gorgeous. "Yay! Here, I'll lend you some of Liam's clothes, they'll probably fit you. And you can shower or whatever you want, and then we'll go, okay?" Harry smiled gratefully and nodded. "Thank you, Lou. I'll go shower really quick." Louis smiled. "Sure, anytime. Bathroom's down the hall, last door on the right. I'll lay out some of Liam's things for you in the room right across from it." "Thanks so much, you're the best," Harry said gratefully. "Well duh. Obviously! God, Styles, get with it!" he joked as he started cleaning up the mess he had made in the kitchen. Harry stuck his tongue out at Louis and walked out of the kitchen, down the hall to the bathroom. Maybe he COULD be friends with Louis. Maybe, just maybe, he'd be able to handle it. He cared about Louis a lot, especially after what happened just now. He could just imagine living with Louis, dating him and waking up and cooking breakfast for him and cuddling with him on the couch....He couldn't NOT talkto him anymore....

Hopefully everything works out...

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