Chapter 3

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A/N: hi guysss! hope you like this! oh and dont forget to fall in love with the gif i posted on the right...i thought it was really fucking sexy and i had to share! enjoy chapter 3 :)

Chapter 3 


Harry hated many things. 

He hated when the lines at starbucks were too long, he hated traffic, he hated people who judged quickly, he hated know it alls, arrogant people, just people in general. 

But what he hated most? 

Lack of confidence.  

People who were amazing and brilliant but who were always quiet, never taking chances. He hated it because it literally HURT him, seeing all of that brilliance go to waste because of insecurity. No one should care about other peoples' opinions; they should just go for it and not care.  

And that's why, in the moment, Harry hated himself more than anything else. He was battling with himself, a fight between his good conscience and his bad conscience rattling his head. 

On one hand, Louis was literally sitting right there. He could talk to him, get to know him better, and maybe eventually that could lead them elsewhere... 

But on the other hand, there was Eleanor. Eleanor, who he'd known all his life, who he loved more than anyone else, basically his adopted sister. He could never hurt her like that. 

But oh god he wanted Louis so bad. 

He was just really nervous too...that's where the lack of confidence comes in. He had never, EVER been so shaken up before. EVER. Not once, not around anyone. Why did Louis make him feel this way? Why did Louis make his palms get all sweaty, his stomach flutter, and his heart swoop? Why was it that every time Louis looked him in the eyes, every conscious thought in his mind would be forgotten and would be replaced with the constant "Fuck me fuck me fuck me."?  

Just WHY? Why was he just so hot and irresistable? Why was he so unattainable? This was not okay, he'd never be able to have him. He could just imagine, walking around London, hand in hand with Louis, talking, laughing, having the time of their lives. He tried to shake that fantasy from his head as soon as it popped up. Imagining what would never be would just make things worse. 

So basically, Harry was just pissed beyond belief at the universe, at his life, and at himself. 

Fuck everyone. 

The sound of muted footsteps caught his attention, and he lifted his head from where it was laying in his hands to look to the stairs, where Eleanor was bounding down them eagerly. Her eyes lit up when she saw Louis. "Lou!" she called excitedly. Louis stood up, beaming at her, as she scampered over and pulled him into a hug. He chuckled. "Hey babe," he said, pecking her on the lips. 

Harry's eyes hardened. Stabs. Just stabs into his heart. Over and over and over. This really shouldn't have been affecting him so much, he only met the boy ten minutes ago...but something about Louis was...different.  

The way too happy couple was enveloped in their own little bubble, as if Harry wasn't even there. Eleanor pressed her forehead against Louis' intertwining their fingers. Louis smiled. "I missed you," he whispered, kissing her again. Eleanor blushed and looked down at the ground, obviously very pleased. 

Harry had to suppress a snort. How cheesy. 

But he couldn't deny that he wished that it was him in Eleanor's position.  

They seemed to notice that Harry was in fact existant at the same time, and they pulled away from each other quickly, though still holding hands. "So Harry, you've met Lou?" Eleanor asked brightly. "Yeah, just a couple minutes ago," Harry muttered. Why did he have to stay? Why couldn't he have just left and gone to Niall's flat? Eleanor's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Harry..." she began, and Harry looked down at the ground. "Are you alright? You're never this quiet." Harry determinedly stared at the ground, not answering. "Harry, look at me," Eleanor said gently. Harry glared at her coldly. "You're not my mother, so stop acting like it," he shot back. He glanced at Louis, who to his surprise, seemed to look actually concerned. Worry filled his eyes as he looked at Harry. Eleanor's mouth was hanging open in shock. Harry had never said anything like that to her before, and he instantly regretted it, but that didn't make him any less frustrated with himself. "You know what, I'm not feeling too well. I need to sleep, I'll see you guys later." And with that, he ran up the stairs.


Louis watched Harry race up the stairs in shock. He turned to El, who had sat down on the couch and buried her head in her hands. He went and sat next to her and took her hand, slowly rubbing circles into the back with his thumb. No matter how much he wanted it to be, Louis just couldn't convince himself that holding her hand felt RIGHT. It was all wrong. He craved the feeling of long-fingered, large, masculine hands, wrapped around his. He kissed her earlier,TWICE, not just to kiss her, but to make sure that the spark was still there, that Harry hadn't affected him at all...Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. It was bland, flat, boring. It was probably just a one day thing though; hopefully it'll be back to normal soon. He couldn't have FEELINGS for Harry or anything. He wasn't really really worried about Harry suddenly storming off, and he wasn't worried about the fact that that Harry may be sick, or the fact that Harry could've been lying and really did hate Louis and just didn't wanna be around him (that last thought made him pout sadly). Harry was just fit, that's all. Just physical attraction. No attachments. He had no feelings. 

Or did he? 

Louis scrunched his eyes up, trying to get that last thought out of his head. "El-" he began, but she cut him off. "He's never like this, Louis. He's amazing I promise. I don't know why he's acting like this...." Louis smiled. "It's fine, El, he said he wasn't feeling well. I get it." Eleanor shook her head. "He was definitely lying. I know Harry, he's not sick. Something else is bothering him..." She pursed her lips thoughtfully for a little while, when her eyes lit up. "Louis, why don't you go talk to him about it?!" Louis' eyes widened in shock. Harry definitely didn't want to talk to him! He felt as though he was the cause of Harry's weird mood for whatever reason...And being in a room with Harry, upstairs, alone? It intrigued him...and that was the worst part. Because it definitely, most certainly shouldn't. He was afraid. "Eleanor, that's not a good idea." 

"Why not? You're a guy, you guys can relate!" 

"But you've known him longer!" 

"But I still don't understand guy mentality like you do! Come on, please Lou?" She pulled her best puppy dog face, making him give in. He truged up the stairs, while Eleanor called out, "His room's the second door on the left, he should be in there." 

Louis glared at El jokingly, making her giggle, and continued up the stairs. Once out of view, he ran his hands through his hair and exhaled deeply. What the fuck had he gotten himself into? He walked over to the door and knocked, then waited to see what insane shit would happen next.

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