Chapter 6

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A/N: alriiight sooo its rly short, full of fluff, and definitely a filler but at the end, something very significant finally comes to light so i think this teeny chapter is necessary :) lemme know whatcha think! xxx

Chapter 6


Harry cracked his eyes open, bright sunlight streaming in through the window. Well that was odd. It was barely ever sunny in England. He checked time on his bedside clock. It read 10:00 AM.  

Had he slept through the afternoon AND night? Wow. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, parting his pink lips into an "O" shape as he yawned, stretching his bare arms. He shoved the covers off, swinging his feet over the side of the bed, looking forward to breakfast. He was so hungry that he didn't even bother putting clothes on, choosing to go downstairs in just his boxers in favor of getting food fast. He ran downstairs, feet thudding against the carpeted steps. When he reached the bottom and turned, he froze.  

There, sitting on the couch, were Louis and Eleanor, holding hands and staring at him. 

Oh god.  


He had almost forgotten what had happened the day before. ALMOST. Hadn't they been in a fight?  

'Guess they made up...' Harry thought, unable to stop the waves of disappointment crashing over him. 

Then he remembered. 

FUCK, he was practically naked! He looked down at his body, covered only by boxers that were too small for him already. His eyes widened as he looked back up at Louis and Eleanor. Louis' face was blank; unreadable, but Eleanor was giggling. "Haz, you look scared. Are you alright?" she laughed. Harry nodded, eyes still wide, as he moved a trembling foot up one stair. "Yeah, I just, um, I think I'm gonna like, change really yeah, be right back." He thundered up the stairs, blushing and heart pounding, feeling very self conscious and thoroughly embarrassed.


Eleanor called Louis the next morning, asking if he wanted to come over. She said she wanted to apologize, and he decided to go over. If he were being completely honest with himself though, he really wanted to go because he wanted to see Harry again and make sure that he was doing okay. He walked into the building and knocked on the door of Eleanor's flat, and it swung open about 30 seconds later, revealing a sheepish looking Eleanor. "Hi Lou," she said softly. "Come on in." Louis nodded and walked in, sitting down on the couch. She took a seat next to him, and took a deep breath. "Louis, I am so, so sorry," she began. "I totally overreacted, I just wanted to make sure Harry was alright and I was just a bit jealous that he told you whatever he was upset about before me. I always was the first person he'd go to for yeah. Sorry." Louis raised his eyebrows. "But El, I told you he was fine. Why didn't you trust me?" he asked, getting agitated. If he were to be honest, he was a little sick of Eleanor overreacting. She tended to do that a lot. And he was tired of it. She sighed, and took his hand. "I do trust you, Lou, I swear." Louis wanted to pull his hand away, but decided not to, because he thought it'd be rude. "Eleanor, you always say that. And you always do this over and over."  

"No I don't Lou! I really mean this...please forgive me!"  

Louis sighed, not knowing what to do. "Look El, I think we-" 

His sentence was cut short by the sound of thudding footsteps down the stairs. Oh god, was that Harry?! Louis felt a bubbling excitement in the pit of his stomach. Why did he have to be so excited to see him?!...Why?!... 

The curly boy came into view, and the sight that met Louis' eyes made his eyes bulge out of his sockets.  

Harry was in his boxers. 

ONLY his boxers. 

Louis could see his toned abs and milky white skin that he wanted so badly to run his hands over. 

He could see the prominent hip bones and that extremely tempting v-line that made his body twitch. 

He could see, very clearly, the outline of him through his tight, obviously too small boxers. And man, was he BIG. 

Holy mother of god. 

Louis bit his lip, trying to calm himself. The second Harry's eyes landed on him, Harry completely froze. He looked down at himself, then back up, then down again. He looked absolutely humiliated, and Louis couldn't understand why. There was nothing to be humiliated of, he was gorgeous. Eleanor giggled. "Haz, you look scared. Are you alright?" she asked. Harry started slowly moving back up the stairs. "Yeah, I just, um, I think I'm gonna like, change really yeah, be right back," he muttered, and sprinted away. Louis could see his back muscles rippling as he jogged up the stairs, and couldn't stop himself from staring at Harry's cute little bum. 

No. Stop. He had a girlfriend. This wasn't supposed to happen.

But he just didn't FEEL that attraction with Eleanor anymore. Just thinking about Harry gave him ten times the pleasure he got from kissing El, and that's saying something. She was still holding onto his hand, and he stared at it guiltily. He gulped, finally deciding that it was no use denying it any longer. 

Louis Tomlinson liked Harry Styles. 

He was in some deep, DEEP trouble.

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