Chapter 4

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A/N: hey guiseee ;D heres ch 4, sorry its a bit short :/ but i hope you like 

it! :D

Chapter 4


Tears stung in Harry's eyes as he stormed up into his room, slamming the door behind him. He went over to his bed and sat on it, face buried in his hands. Why did these things always have to happen to him?  

He came to the conclusion that he liked Louis. He couldn't deny it any longer, and it felt horrible. He didn't even know the guy, it didn't make sense, but somehow, Louis just made Harry like him. Instantly. Without even trying. 

He heard a knock on the door. He clenched his jaw. Why wouldn't anyone leave him alone? "WHAT DO YOU WANT, EL?! I DON'T WANT TO TALK!" he yelled angrily. There was silence. No more knocking. Nothing. He breathed a sigh of relief. Then he heard the doorknob click. Harry shot his head up, looking at the door. It swung open, revealing a worried-looking Louis standing behind it. Harry stood up quickly. "Oh, hi. Sorry, I thought you were Eleanor," he explained, pissed at himself for reacting so rudely. Louis smiled with his lips closed, then rocked back and forth on his feet. "Can I maybe come in?..." 

"Oh yeah, of course!" Louis walked in and closed the door behind him, tentatively sitting on the edge of Harry's bed. Harry sat down carefully also, but as far away from Louis as he could get. The last thing he needed was for him to do something stupid and ruin everything. "So...hi," Louis said softly. 

"...hey..." Harry said slowly. Louis sighed, the concern very clear in his eyes. "Harry, El's worried about you....and so am I." Harry's entire body jerked, pleased that Louis semi-cared for him, frustrated because he was pleased. "Louis, there's nothing to be worried about," he muttered. "I'm just tired, that's all. Mmfine." He couldn't look Louis in the eye, he felt bad about lying. Louis said nothing. After a long pause, Harry snuck a quick peek. Louis' blue eyes were piercing into his, and he was shaking his head. "I don't believe you," he whispered. Harry couldn't answer. "Harry, you can trust me. Honestly. I know we just met today, but I promise you that I won't judge you. I won't tell El if you don't want me to." 

Harry snorted. Yeah right. Of course Louis would judge, Harry had a goddamn CRUSH on his best friend's BOYFRIEND.  

Things couldn't be worse. 

So he just blurted out the first thing he could think of, something he hadn't been able to talk to anyone about yet because Eleanor was always too busy, something that was true but not the full reason, not the full truth. "Louis, I-I think I'm gay." Louis' eyes widened, and he just sat there and looked at Harry for a while. Harry gulped nervously, awaiting Louis' reaction. "So that's what this is all about?" Louis asked slowly. Harry nodded, staring down at his feet again. Suddenly, he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him as a warm body crashed into his. Harry jerked again, absolutely shocked.  

Louis was hugging him. TIGHTLY. 

Harry wasn't stupid. He obviously loved it. But it wasn't exactly helping his situation. He lightly returned the hug, discreetly breathing in Louis' comforting scent, enjoying Louis' arms around him maybe just a tad too much. All too soon, Louis pulled away, and smiled warmly at Harry. "Harry, you don't need to be upset about that. I know it might seem difficult, but it'll get easier. It's a part of who you are. I would know...I'm bi. And I only just came to terms with that part of me a few years ago. You're not alone, if you ever need to talk about it, I'm here." Harry's eyes practically popped out of their sockets. Louis was bi?! 

Well that made things even worse. Harry now knew that if it weren't for Eleanor, Harry would've had a chance.  

Well shit. 

"Thanks, Louis, I appreciate it," he said, smiling softly. Louis bit his lip, making Harry stare. God, he was sexy. He wanted to kiss him SO bad...he dug his nails into his palms to restrain himself. "So El doesn't know?" Louis asked. Harry shook his head. "Daww you told me first? I'm honored," Louis joked, winking. 

Harry's breath hitched. 

Winking should be illegal. If he winked one more bloody time Harry knew he'd be dead.  

Was it possible to die because someone was just so attractive that you couldn't handle it?  

Yeah. Harry decided that it was. 

He chuckled weakly in response. "I don't know how to tell her, I'm afraid of what she might think," Harry lied again, going along with his excuse, making Louis think he was afraid El wouldn't accept him when he knew it'd be the opposite. Louis put his hand on Harry's knee. The spot that Louis touched burned, red hot. It prickled, sending tingles up his leg. Harry took a deep breath, trying to stop himself from grabbing Louis and never letting go. "Don't worry about it. Eleanor's your best friend, she'll love you no matter what. She's not the type to judge you for something like that. You shouldn't be afraid, jusy go ahead and tell her." Harry nodded weakly. If only Louis really knew. 

Ugh. What was he supposed to do now?

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