Chapter 12

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A/N: hi! sorry for not uploading in a couple days, been super busy with homework and ap exams and gah so much stressss :/ but im gonna upload twice today because i made you guys wait so long, i hope you still love me, if you did at all :,( hahaha alrighttt so chapter 12! enjoy! i think its kinda shitty but....whatever, i dont feel like editing or rewriting haha. dont forget to fan, vote, comment, check out my other fic too if youd like :) tanks guise i love you all

Chapter 12


Louis watched Harry, eyes wide, as the curly boy chugged the beer. He hadn't thought Harry would be the drinking type...not that he had a problem with that, he loved to drink as much as the next guy, but Harry was drinking it like it was his life depended on it. What was up with his weird mood? He was as moody as a girl on her period; one second he'd be fine, the next he'd be angry and ignore Louis. All he wanted to know was what was going on, he wanted to know WHY. Just why. He opened his mouth to question him. "Harry, I don't understand-"

"Mm-mm!" Harry made a noise of protest, his lips still on the glass, still drinking, motioning with one finger for Louis to wait. When he drained it, he slammed it down on the counter. "Whatever you're going to say, don't. I have a good idea what it is and I don't want to talk, I don't want to hear it. So please, let's just not. Okay?"

"What? You-"

"No. Stop it." He called for another beer.

"Harry, that's your 3rd already, I think-"

"Don't tell me what to do,"

"No, I'm not trying to, it's just we're at a restaurant, not a club, so I don't think-"

"Do you think I give a flying fuck about where we are? I'm gonna drink when I wanna drink. So shut the fuck up and stop being such a pain in my ass."

Louis raised his eyebrows. "Excuse me?"

Harry looked away. Louis narrowed his eyes. "Okay, just because you're YOU, I'm going to let that go and pretend that you're acting odd because of the alcohol, just this time. But I swear to fucking god, you do NOT talk to me like that, or anyone for that matter, because that was very rude. I didn't do anything to you, no need to be an dick."

Harry blushed. "Mmsorry," he muttered under his breath. But then his eyes opened wide, and his head snapped up. "Wait, did you say just because I'm me? What's that mean?" he asked, looking surprised, as the bartender set the third huge glass in front of Harry, which Harry proceeded to pour down his throat, draining it quickly and asking for a 4th. Louis could feel himself blushing. Shit, had he actually said that?....

"Um," he said nervously, pulling at the collar of his white button-up. Was it hot in here? "I mean, you're my friend. At least I'd like to think so. And I didn't want to turn the sass on and scare you off I guess...I think we could be really good friends someday." He lied, blushing and staring at his hands resting on the wooden counter. 

Harry didn't respond. The 4th glass was set in front of him, and he drank it until nothing was left. What was the kid trying to do, get himself drunk? They were supposed to be hanging out, for god's sakes, not getting wasted...he didn't understand why he had to do that. It definitely wasn't a drinking problem, Eleanor told him that Harry had never been much of a drinker; but then what could it be? "You sure you don't want anything?" the bartender asked him, and Louis shook his head and refused politely, just as Danielle came over to take their orders. Harry asked the bartender for a few shots of vodka while Danielle was recommending dishes to Louis, and Louis sighed. This was too much.

*1 hour later*

Well. This wasn't going as planned.

So after quite a few shots of vodka, Harry began to get a bit...tipsy. He started getting dizzy, his face turned red, then he thought the bartender was a cat, started speaking in gibberish, claiming he was fluent in an alien language, screamed, asked Louis if he could take all his clothes off and dance on a table in the restaurant (he wanted to "show off" his manhood, apparently, and Louis had been very tempted to allow him to do it), and now he was laughing hysterically and slapping Louis' knee while crying at the same time. The entire room full of people were staring at him. Oh god, he shouldn't have let Harry drink so much. What was he going to say to Eleanor? "Harry, maybe I should take you home."

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