Chapter 1

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A/N: well hello der everybody! just wanted to say thank you SO much for reading ill never let you go, it has over 1000 reads now and omg i just cant even. seriously i cant. like i dont understand, thats so amazing and im beyond happy so thanks for reading! hopefull youll like what the heart wants just as much! :D so heres chapter 1, dont forget to vote and comment! <3

Chapter 1


*The following morning* 

"Haaarry get up! It's already 11!" Harry heard Eleanor's voice through the haziness of sleep. 

"Mhhmm," Harry groaned, tired and annoyed, burying his face into the pillow. 

"Get up, c'mon! Louis' going to be here in two hours, you need to get ready! Oh my god I'm so excited for you two to meet each other, you'll be the best of friends I know it!" 

Harry rolled his eyes into the pillow. He seriously doubted that. But five minutes later, he ended up dragging his body clumsily down the stairs and into the kitchen. For Eleanor. He loved seeing her so happy; he wasn't going to take that away from her. He decided that he'd do as she said that day, for her sake. As much as he despised the idea of meeting Louis, he'd somehow force himself to cooperate. He knew how much this meant to her. Harry tried to convince himself that it wouldn't be that bad, that it might be kind of fun. 

Ha. Yeah right. 

Harry sighed as he approached the kitchen, where Eleanor was bustling around doing something, pulling out a stool at the counter and plopping down on it. "Oh good, you're up!" she said brightly. "I made you breakfast!" She placed a plate of fluffy golden pancakes drenched in maple syrup, two strips of bacon, and fresh strawberries in front of Harry, along with a glass of orange juice. Harry's 

stomach growled as he took in the sight, not realizing how hungry he was until he saw the food. He eagerly dug in, and managed to spit out through mouthfulls, "This is a surprise, why such a fancy breakfast this morning?" Eleanor shrugged, chocolate brown eyes twinkling. "As a thank you gift for doing this. I know how much you didn't want to, I still don't understand why, but I'm glad you agreed." Harry avoided eye contact, latching his eyes onto the food and continuing to shovel forkfulls into his mouth. He swallowed a bite of pancake, and muttered "Thanks," and continued eating. "Only for you, Harry," she grinned, either not realizing Harry's discomfort or deciding not to press the matter further, to Harry's pleasure. "Well, I'm going to go have a nice relaxing bath. Make sure you're ready by one!" she called over her shoulder as she skipped out of the kitchen to the stairs. "Yeah yeah yeah," Harry grumbled.  

This was going to be an interesting day, to say the least.  

*2 hours later* 

Harry was spread out on the couch, long legs splayed, converse-clad feet hanging off the edge. The TV was on, but he couldn't bother paying attention.  

The clock read 12.57. 

Eleanor wasn't downstairs yet. 

He had gone to check up on her ten minutes ago, pounding on the bathroom and asking what was taking her so long. She had told him to calm down and that she had to finish getting ready. Apparently, she had lost track of the time or something. Anyways, what was really freaking Harry out was that Louis might show up before she's downstairs, which would take the inevitable awkwardness to a whole new level. He pinched the bridge of his nose. Why did she always take so long getting ready? 

After about 10 more minutes of nerves and annoyance, there was a tentative knock on the door. "Shit," Harry muttered. "EL!" he shouted, not caring that Louis would be able to hear him. "YOUR BOYFRIEND'S HERE!" Harry waited a few moments for her response. 

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