Chapter 17

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A/N: ok, this chapter is EXTREMELY short. TOO short. almost inexcusable. im so sorry. i just need to go to bed, its late and im exhausted and ugh. plus it adds suspense hahahaha ;D sooo ill try and update more soon, just cant bring myself to type any more, way too tired to think. vote, comment, fan, you know the deal :D love you guys, thank you <3

Chapter 17


Harry stared at Louis, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open.

Had he actually just said that?

He was in complete shock.

But what shocked him even more was that Louis' response wasn't disgusted, or horrified, or upset in any way. It was almost worse.

After quite a long pause, Louis looked at him and laughed. He fucking LAUGHED. In Harry's face.

Harry wanted to go find a hole to curl up in right about then and never come out.

"I like you too, Haz! I honestly thought you didn't want anything to do with me, but I'm glad! Why's that bothering you? It's okay to like people you know, it's how you make friends!" he teased.

Harry paused, then narrowed his eyes. He balled his hands up into fists, trying to supress the anger that was boiling inside of him. Louis was LAUGHING at him, he had completely misunderstood! It took Harry so much effort to get that out, and he wasn't planning on having to explain it again. "Did you say friends? That you think of me as your FRIEND?"

"Yeah," Louis chuckled. Goddammit the idiot was STILL laughing. "We're friends."

"What the fuck?!" Harry yelled, unable to hold back any longer. 

Louis' smile was swiped off of his face as his expression turned to one of fear. "What? What'd I say?"

Harry closed his eyes and flared his nostrils, taking a deep breath. He couldn't do this. He couldn't explain again. He was done. He needed some fresh air. He opened his eyes and glared at Louis, who was still staring at him, confused. Harry shook his head and laughed bitterly. What a fucking idiot he was, thinking that Louis would understand. He turned around and flung the door open, sprinted down the stairs, flew past a stunned Eleanor in the living room, and out the front door. Eleanor's car keys were still in his pocket, he hoped she wouldn't mind if he borrowed them. He jumped into the car and drove out of the building parking lot.

Fuck everyone.

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