Part 1: Bane Fashion Enterprises

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Alec couldn't believe that he actually landed an interview with the top fashion company in New York. If somewhere to tell him how did all of this happen? He probably says that he didn't have a clue. Everything leading up to this moment had occurred faster than light.

The double white doors opened and the young woman was smiling brightly. She strutted down the hall, her curly, blond hair bouncing, and her heels clicking within each step she took.

Once the girl was gone, another woman with dark skin and black hair came out. She had a blue clipboard close to her chest.

"Lightwood, Alexander."

Alec stood from his chair and looked at the woman. To him, the woman's brown eyes studied him for a few seconds then smiled.

"Catarina Loss."

She brought her hand out and Alec shook it firmly. When they ended, the two walked inside the huge room.

On the left was huge windows that revealed a beautiful view of the towers. In front of it were leather, black chair, and a desk that had a huge computer on its right side. In the middle of the room were two white couches and glass coffee table. A man wearing a silver tux with a black tie was sitting on the couch that was facing the doors. Alec stopped himself from walking any further to him and took a second to see what his maybe-future-boss looked like. His black hair a combed up and was wearing black smokey makeup. His lips curled into a devilish smile and rose from his spot.

"Magnus Bane," He said in a clear voice.

Alec shyly held his hand out and replied: "My name is Alec Lightwood, it's nice to meet you, sir."

After the two men shook hands, Magnus gestured for Alec to sit.

"You may go until I call you, Catarina."

Catarina walked out of the room and Magnus walked over to his desk and pulled out a couple of papers. Magnus strolled back to the couch and sat down.

Here we go.

"So, Mr.Lightwood, why are you interested in this position?"

"I've adored fashion for as long as I could remember and it would be an honor to work with you, sir."

"I can tell because of your resume, you were accepted into the High School of Fashion Industries and then obtained a spot in Parsons School of Designs. You must've dedicated your whole life to this world, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"What's exciting about fashion to you?"

"To be honest, everything. The way that you can take a piece of fabric and turn into something incredible or how much time and effort is put into the craft even if it's something simple."

"What do you like outside of fashion?"

"Mostly archery, exercising, reading, and traveling."

"That's right, you wrote in your resume that you were apart of Club Archery."

"Yes, sir."

"How did that happen?"

"When I was six, my parents didn't like the idea of me sitting around and doing nothing all day so they gave me a list of all the things I could do and I chose archery. Ever since then, I grew to love the sport."

"Very nice, speaking of your parents, you wrote that you worked in your mother's business that helped make clothes for anyone."

"Yes, sir."

"What was it like working there?"

"It was amazing, I think that's what brought my mom and me closer together."

"I'm assuming that you're mother taught you everything there is to know about fashion."

"Yes, sir, ever since I was six."

"Six years old?"

"Yes, sir, I saw her sewing dresses for anyone and I saw how amazing she was. I grabbed a piece of paper to draw my own and she saw me. She told me that it was okay that if I liked fashion, there was nothing wrong with a guy liking it. I told her that I wanted to learn how she did it and did."

"And you must've grown from then because of the portfolios that you sent, you must've been born with the artistic eye."

"I do try, sir."

"What are your greatest strengths?"

"Strategizing, being a great leader, and giving great advice."

"What is your greatest weakness?"

"Being impatient, stubborn, and overly shy."

"Last question, say you there was a huge obstacle that steps in the way of you pursuing your dreams, what would you do to overcome that adversity?"

"Never quit no matter how the big the obstacle is. Sure, it can be hard to overcome something huge but it's better to get back up and try again than give up and do nothing about it."

Magnus looked back at the clipboard and then looked back at Alec. His gold-green eyes focusing on Alec's blue.

Magnus then smiled and said: "That is enough, Mr.Lightwood, you may go now."

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