Part 8: After A Long Day

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Alec's first day of work had ended and he was not happy with how it turned out. When Mollie finally got out, all she did was get her two servants and made dirty looks at everyone. Magnus got out and he had a smile on his face. Alec's guts were telling him that the moment he stepped out of the building, he would explode. Alec went up to Magnus and held him back before going out.

"Magnus, whatever you're thinking, don't, because you're going to lash out and I don't want you to hurt yourself."

Magnus looked at Alec and sighed.

"Thanks, Alexander, I just...Mollie and I had a heated discussion and well..."

"You don't need to explain anything, come on, let's get you home or something to eat."

"Couldn't agree more, there's a really nice cafe called Java Jones that I've been wanting to try out, would you like to join me, Alexander?"

"Uh...sure, I wouldn't mind."

"Good because I didn't want to be alone plus let's think of it as getting to know each other."

Magnus and Alec stepped out of the building and walked over to a small limousine.

"Wow, I've never road in a limo before," Alec said.

"First time, first everything, am I right?"

A man in a black tux with came out and opened the door for the two.

"Java Jones, please," Magnus instructed.

The man closed the door and it was just Alec and Magnus alone.

"You know, I can make it more exciting if I do this."

Magnus pressed the button and the roof of the car opened. The sky wasn't covered with stars yet but it was nice to feel the cool air of the night. The limo stopped in front of the cafe entrance and Magnus opened the door to get out. The two stepped inside and it was what Alec had expected in a small cafe. Tables arranged every inch of the place, people ordering coffee, college students getting together for study groups or having a small date.

"Where do you want to sit?"

Alec looked and saw a table for two by the large window.

"How about over there?"

Magnus looked to where Alec was looking at and smirked.


Magnus and Alec walked over to set their jackets down. They then went up to the counter and ordered their coffee along with a sweet dessert. They sat down and enjoyed their food and their long conversation.

"So, Alexander, other than your mother being a designer, do you have any other family?"

Alec pulled out his phone and showed them a picture of his mom and siblings in Central Park. He started to point out to who Isabelle, Jace, and Max was.

"Wow, you certainly grew up with a big family."

"Yeah, but we love each other."

"And I can definitely tell where you get your good looks from, your mother is absolutely stunning. I bet I could get her to be a model for the best companies."

"That's what everyone tells her."

"And your sister is gorgeous."

"Gorgeous and overly protective, she may be my little sister but she always protected me."

"That's so sweet, and Jace...did he dye his hair or is he naturally blond."

"Natural, that's because he's adopted."

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