Part 16: Help

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Alec felt great to be back in his apartment but what's not so great is the number of questions he was getting from Clary. 

"How was he? Was he amazing? What was the kiss like? Are you two dating now?" 


Alec looked up at her and that's when Clary decided to stop. 

"Anyways, I'm really tired, let's talk about something else. How's Lydia's wedding coming along?" 

"Not sure, she's been so busy with planning it that we haven't had the chance to talk." 

"I'm sure whatever it is, she'll be fine." 

A small knock on the door was then heard. 

"Were you expecting anyone?" Alec asked.

"No," Clary responded. 

Clary and Alec got up from the couch and walked over to the door. Clary opened and there was Lydia. Black, dried tears were on her cheeks and black semi-circles under her blue eyes. 

"Woah, Lydia, are you okay?" 


Lydia jumped into Clary's arms into a hug and started to sob. Alec rushed the two girls inside and closed the door. Clary had Lydia sit down on the couch and Alec took a seat next to Lydia. 

"Lydia, what's wrong? What happened?" Alec asked. 

"Everything is going terrible! The people that I ordered my wedding dress lost it and every venue we tried to get is already booked and the cake tastes terrible." 

Lydia sobbed more and more, Clary was hugging and doing her best to comfort her cousin. Alec grabbed a box of tissues that was on the coffee table and gave some to Lydia. When Lydia finally calmed down, she continued on about how everything was falling apart. 

"Wait, where's George then? Shouldn't he be comforting you through this?" Alec asked. 

"We had a fight about everything that was going on and I just stormed out of our apartment. He kept on saying that we could still fix this but I don't think it's possible." 

Alec felt bad that everything around Lydia was falling apart. Weddings were supposed to be special for all couples, not stressful. 

"I'm sure whatever happens, things are going to work out, Lydia." 

"I don't know..." 

Lydia looked up at Alec and then her face turned from gloom to a creepy grin. 

"Uh, Lydia, are you okay?" 

"Alec, you're a designer right?" 

"Not yet, why?" 

"I just got an idea and I know that this will probably stress you out but I really need to ask you a huge favor!"  

"What is it?" 

"I was wondering if maybe you could help design my dress." 

"Wait, really?" 

"Yes but I know that you're probably busy with work and everything else but I'm getting desperate and I really need-" 

Lydia kept on rambling on how she needed Alec's help. He didn't mean to be rude but he needed to block out her voice to think for a moment. He could make a wedding dress for Lydia but he doesn't want to get confused between her and Rachel's. However, Lydia is desperate and her wedding is really important to her. 

"So, what do you say Alec? Will you help me?" 

Alec looked at Lydia and said: "Of course, let's get into my room so I can take some measurements." 

Lydia burst out screaming and gave Alec a bone-crushing hug. 

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" 

A/N: Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating. I've been so busy with school and trying to get all of my work done. I guess that's the end of the year for ya. I'm going try to keep this up and hopefully, I can try to get these chapters for you guys as soon as possible. Anyways, thank you guys so much and I'll see you lovelies later. Bye! 

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