Part 2: The Wait

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"Still no word?" Alec's roommate, Clary Morgenstern, asked.

"Nothing," Alec replied. He gave a sigh and put his chin on the table.

"I don't think I got it," Alec said.

"Oh, come on, Alec, don't be like that. You know that these things take time."

"I know but it's been...forever."

"You just gotta be patient, okay?"

"Clary, do you not remember the time I was extremely mad when the pizza delivery guy took hours just get here?"

"At least, we got it for free because of his late delivery."

"Yeah but still, I was pretty pissed."

"Yeah until you opened the door and saw him."

"Clary, this isn't me liking at guys, this is about waiting."

"I'm just saying."

A knock on the door was heard, Clary got off from the kitchen counter and sauntered up to it. Alec was being right at her side. Clary opened the door and a tall girl with blond hair and blue eyes was there. She gave a huge smile and hugged Clary.

"Hey, Lydia, what's up?"

Lydia stood back and replied: "I just came here for the portrait."

"Yeah, sure, come on in."

Clary looked back at Alec and pushed Lydia up front.

"Lydia, this is my roommate Alec, Alec this is my cousin Lydia."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," Alec said, holding his hand out to her.

"Nice to meet you too."


"Found anyone that you think is perfect for the job yet?" Catarina asked.

"No, not yet," Magnus replied.

"Come on, Mags, it's been two weeks and you still haven't found anyone. The clock is ticking here."

"I know, Cat, but I just haven't found the one."

"Well, here's my suggestion," Catarina walked over to Magnus' desk and pulled out Alec Lightwood's application and tossed it in front of him.

"I will admit, Alec is a charming man," Magnus stated.

"Yeah but he's most than just that. He's extremely talented and he's been in two top-notch fashion schools in New York. I spy your new fashion apprentice."

This wasn't the first time that Catarina had been going on with Alec. Ever since the interviews were over, she couldn't stop blabbering on about him. Indeed, Magnus did think that Alec was the perfect candidate for the position but he still needed to look at his other options.

"I'm just saying Magnus, I mean, do you not remember your last person that was your apprentice?"

Magnus shivered when Catarina mentioned his old apprentice. He remembered that his partner was horrible and only wanted the job because of the money. Magnus had no other choice but to get rid of him.

"Magnus? Earth to Magnus!" Catarina waved her hand up and down in front of Magnus' face.

Magnus blinked a few times and met her confused gaze.

"You good? Need another cup of coffee?"

"No, I'm alright, I was just thinking."

"Well, in any case, I think you should pick Alec. He seems like your best bet and I can tell that he really wants it."

Magnus had thought back to Alec, his diamond eyes, hair dark as the night, and his soft voice. Magnus thought about what Alec said and it was really inspiring. Maybe Catarina did have a point.



Alec got up bright and early to fix up breakfast. He did his famous pancake and, like always, it landed perfectly. The aroma of the early mornings gave Alec the nostalgia of what his mother's amazing cooking. He lived with his mother, Maryse, adoptive brother, Jace, his sister, Isabelle, and little brother, Max. He remembered that they would kind all kinds of trouble and it would get into some crazy shenanigans. Alec didn't have a father figure in the house because his biological left after Max was born. Ever since then, Alec had to be the one to look after his siblings so his mother wouldn't have to be stressed in doing everything all at once.

Alec flipped the pancake but this time he put up a plate between the pan the pancake and it landed perfectly on top of the other two he made. He turned off the stove and set it down on the table. Clary walked in wearing her gray pajamas and showing off her messy red hair.

"Morning," Clary said.

"Morning," Alec replied. "I made breakfast."

"Oh thank you, I'm so hungry I could just eat anything."

Clary sat down at the table and dug into her pancakes. Alec finished making him and started to eat as well.

"So, what was with your cousin last night?"

"Oh, she's getting married to her college best friend and she needed to pick up a wedding portrait I made for her."

"Why would she need a portrait for her wedding?"

"Why not?"

Clary to big bite out of her pancakes and ate away.

"So which cousin is she? Dad's side or Mom's?"

"Mom's, she's my aunt, Charlotte's, daughter."


"Yeah but you know what's kind of weird is that my uncle, Henry, actually wanted to take the name Fairchild instead of his last name when he got married."

"Wow, that is weird but kinda cool."

"Yeah, I guess and if it makes you feel any interested in my family, Matthew Fairchild is her older brother."

"Wait a minute? The Matthew Fairchild?"

Clary nodded her head slowly and answered: "Yup."

"Oh my God, he's one of my favorite actors of all time, how did you not tell me this?"

"You never asked."

A notification ring on Alec's phone came from the coffee table in the living room. Alec got up from his seat and grabbed it. It was an e-mail from Bane Fashion Enterprises.

"Who is it?" called Clary.

Alec turned around and said: "It's from Bane."

Clary jumped in surprise and yelled: "Well don't just stand there, read it!"

Alec quickly went to the e-mail and read aloud.

"Dear Mr.Lightwood, thank you for submitting your application for Bane Fashion Enterprises. I am pleased to say that you have been hired to be my new fashion apprentice!"

"Oh Alec, I'm so proud of you!"

Clary bear-hugged Alec and Alec hugged her back but was still looking at the phone.

"Your first day starts on Monday at seven in the morning, please don't be late. I look forward to seeing you, Mr.Lightwood."

Clary ended the hug and jumped up and down.

"Oh Alec, I'm so happy for you. See, I told you, you just had to be patient."

"Yeah, I guess you were right."

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