Part 5: The Day Has Come

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Monday had arrived and Alec had gotten up early to get ready for his first day of work. He was dressed in a tuxedo jacket with a purple shirt that had a white diamond pattern. He put on his black slacks with shiny black shoes.

Clary was acting like his mother before he was out of the house for school.

"Okay, you have everything?"

"Yes, Clary, for the thousandth time."

"I'm just making sure, I don't want you to forget anything."

"Clary, I'm fine, now I gotta go before I'm late."

Alec was out the door as Clary yelled a goodbye. He took the subway to head to Bane's building and hopefully make a good impression.

Next thing he knew, he was back at the place but this time it would be a daily thing now. No more interviews, just him and the company he's going to work in. Alec took a deep breath and walked inside. He held his head high and went up to the desk to find Miss Loss typing on the computer.

"Excuse me," Alec said.

Catarina looked up and smiled: "You're Alec Lightwood, right?"

"That's me, I'm here to start my first day of work."

"Follow me please."

Catarina got up from her desk and Alec did as he was told. The two went into an elevator and Catarina pressed the number fifty-six, which was the top floor.

"Okay, before you meet up with Mr.Bane, you need to know a few things so that way you won't get on his bad side."

"I'm listening."

"One, know that Magnus is a busy man and when he is, don't interrupt him unless it's an emergency. Two, he hates it when people are messing around so be concentrated on your work even if you're done with it, at least look busy. Three, and this one is very important, don't think that you're above any employee in this company. I know that you're his apprentice but don't get cocky because he can fire you in a snap. Got all that?"

"Yes, mam."

"Good, just remember all of this and he won't give you a hard time. Don't get me wrong, Magnus is a good man but when he wants you to work then he needs you to work."

"Got it."

The elevator gave a ding and the doors opened to Magnus' office. Catarina and Alec stepped out and there was Magnus at his desk.

"Ahem," Catarina announced.

Magnus looked up and smiled.

"Ah, here is my new fashion apprentice."

Magnus got up from his desk and held out his hand. Alec shook it firmly and greeted his new boss.

"Good morning, Mr.Bane."

"Oh, no need for pleasantries, Alec, since we're going to be partners, you can call me Magnus."

"Of course."

Magnus looked at Catarina and said: "Cat, you may go, I would like to speak to Alexander alone."

Catarina nodded and out of the office she was.

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