Part 7: It's All In The Business

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They reached down to the floor where every employee was working their butts off. Catarina "ahem" ed to the working crowd and everyone had their eyes on Magnus. Magnus cleared his throat and spoke clearly.

"Attention everyone, remember that some business associates are coming to inspect how you all have been doing. I'm just sending a reminder to you all to be on your best behavior and to please be respectful, that is all."

Everyone started going back to work and Magnus, Alec, and Catarina formed a circle between themselves.

"You sure you really want to do this, Magnus?"

"We are doing this."

A phone vibrate came and Catarina dug into her pocket and pulled it out. She looked concerned and looked up at Magnus.

"They're here."

The three headed to the front entrance and there stood three people, two men, and one woman, all gussied up in their expensive suits.

"Ah, there he is, Magnus Bane and his secretary Katrina," The woman responded.

"It's Catarina," Catarina said harshly.

"Whatever," The woman retorted. She didn't even look at her.

The woman had short brown hair, brown eyes, and had pale skin. She was wearing a gray suit with a white undershirt and white heels.

"Pleasure to see you again, Mollie," Magnus said. Alec didn't know why but he had a feeling that Magnus was putting on a fake smile for them.

Magnus looked at Alec and said: "Mollie, I'd like you to meet my new apprentice, Alec Lightwood. Alec this is my business associate, Mollie Woods."

"Very nice to meet you, mam."

Alec held out his hand but Mollie didn't hold up her hand for a handshake.

"Magnus, did you forget that I don't shake hands with commoners?"

"Mollie," Magnus snapped.

"It's true, the fashion world is for rich people only."

"Mollie that is enough!" Catarina spoke up. "Come on, we have work to do."

Everyone followed Catarina back to the other room and Magnus laid a hand on his shoulder. Alec felt uncomfortable and even tensed up a bit. Alec thought that Magnus was going to yell at him for causing this whole scene.

"Alexander, I...I am so sorry, I didn't know Mollie was going to do that."

Alec looked back at Magnus and asked: "Does this usually happen?"

"Sadly, yes but only when she's here which is rare since she's so busy with other things she needs to do."


"Look, Alexander, I...I can understand if you don't want to be here."

"No, I'm your apprentice Magnus and the apprentice and the boss have to stick together."

Magnus gave a warm smile to him.

"I knew I could count on you."

Magnus and Alec headed to the work room. Mollie and the two other men were walking around and it was huge disaster. Left and right, Mollie kept on saying how the designs were cheap and ugly.

"I've had enough of this."

Mollie took out a pair of scissors and started to cut of people's designs. Magnus restrained Mollie and took her away. He dragged her up the elevator and the whole place of was silent. Alec went up to the elevator but was then pulled back by Catarina.

"Alec, don't go up, the argument is going to get heated and ugly. Just give till the end of the day when Mollie gets out of here."

"Can we at least kick them out?" Alec looked over to the two guys.

"We can't, as long as Mollie is here then they stay until Mollie gets out."

Alec groaned in frustration and walked over to the counter where Catarina's desk was and laid his head on it.

"Here, why don't you go on and try to help the others and clean up the mess Mollie made."


Alec walked away and started to help clean up.

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