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Ladybug opened her eyes.
She saw her partner on the ground. Unconscious.
Rushing to his aid, she helped him up. After a minute or two, he opened his eyes, much to Ladybug's relief.
She hugged him. Butterflies in her stomach at the well being of her silly kitten.
Breaking the hug, they looked around, Cat Noir still blushing profusely.
They studied their surroundings, noticing the fact that they were on top of books and there were endless mobile phones, all logged on to a site called 'Wattpad' on every screen.
Ladybug looked around possibly trying to find someone or atleast something except mobile phones and books.
She had just finished her geography exam and swore to herself that she'll never ever touch her geography book again. Pretty much the same thing most students do.

These books were making her head ache and she desperately tried to find someone else, friend or foe, except her and Cat Noir.

She noticed Cat Noir, ears perked up, eyes gazing intently towards nothing in particular. His eyes were wide open, with enlarged pupils and anyone could have easily mistaken him for a cat.

He studied the floor or rather, pages,
And more words.
That was all he could see.
It looked as if they were standing on a humongous book.
And the book was going to close.

Grabbing Cat Noir's hand, Ladybug threw her yoyo towards the nearest possible mobile phone and.
The book closed.
And they barely managed to get away from it.
Panting heavily from the sudden excersice, Ladybug asked Cat Noir if he was okay, to which, he nodded in response.
Cat Noir was staring at a particular direction.

And finally, Curiosity killed the Cat.
Ladybug saw the blond rush towards the North. She called after him but to no avail.
So she had no choice but to follow him.
Cat Noir has been acring pretty strange, he was more alert, sincere, and more importantly, he was QUIET! Mind, that was a rare sight.

"Kitty, stop! " Said she snapping out of her thoughts.
But in vain.
She followed him into a cave like structure, made out of open books and bent laptops with the same site opened. Wattpad.
She noticed a user name on one of the open tabs and it said, 'Copyright_AllRightsReserved'.
Wierd user name.
She was about to step forward only to be stopped by a hand.
"M'Lady, wait." He said.
His cat like instincts were being put to test today.
Especially since Ladybug did not have super sensitive cat ears or night vision.
Making eye contact, Ladybug threw her yoyo towards the cave, after seven to eight seconds, which seemed like eternity, the yoyo hit an object. A metallic object, to be exact.
And suddenly, out of the blue, this happened.

"Aaaahhhh!" Ladybyg screamed as they went flying down.
It seems that when the yoyo hit the object, something must have been activated leading to their current situation.
As the ground beneath them gave way.
(Pairo tale zameen khisak gayi... my fellow Indians will understand...)

They landed with a thud. On a soft landing.

"Oh man! Books? Again? I feel booked." Cat Noir, not missing an opportunity to make a pun, smirked.

"Hey bugaboo~k, why does the elephant use its trunk as a bookmark?"
"Can't you see I'm trying to focus here?" Ladybug annoyingly said trying to look around for the possibile akuma.
"So that it always nose where it stopped reading!" Cat gleamed.
"Ughhhh, cut it out!" The familiar blunette rolled her eyes.

"So, lovebirds, jokes apart, let's get down to the deal." They heard a non familiar voice from behind them.

Ladybug POV
We turned around to meet the source of the voice only to see a
Cushioned chair?!
Man, I did not know that chairs could speak.
Plus, hawkmoth must be really desperate to get our miraculous if he akumatized a chair.
But, it turned around to reveal a girl in a ridiculous costume as if she were the mixture of a cat and a fox and a pink... Panther?
Umm, I don't know. But whoever she was, called us lovebirds.
Me and Cat Noir, lovebirds?
Hah. Not possible. Not until Adrien is in my heart.
"Hey, who's talking now Pink panther?" Cat Noir, being his usual self, was using his own way of PUNishing her.
Oh god.
Now that I realize, there is actually a lot going on in my head than just battle.
"Name's Copyright, belt boy." Copyright annoyingly announced.
"Seriously? Belt boy?  Now what next? Dot girl?" I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, big mouth, shut up and-" Copyright was cut by me.
"The same give me your miraculous! "
I mimicked a baby voice and completed her supposed sentence.

"Yup, give me your miraculous before I rub your loved ones out of this world... " She threatened.
"What!?" I half screamed.
"M'Lady! " Cat surprised by my sudden outburst.
"Chaton, the only thing I'm ever afraid of is losing someone I love. And I don't want that to happen!"
He nods and we see Copyright.
She touches the phone in her hand by her index and middle finger and swipes the screen. And a part of my stomach gets erased.
I wince in pain.
I look at Cat Noir, clutching his stomach as well.
"Once I erase those masks, I'll know your secret identity. I can then collect your Miraculous. Unfortunately, I can't simply erase those jewels as I need them." She cackles and starts to lunge towards us. Forgetting all the pain, we fought.

And we fought.
Copyright lunged forward to hit us and we did so too.
Let's finish this off quickly cuz, I don't have time for this shit.

"Lucky charm!" I shouted.
And got rubber gloves?

Ok... Calm down... There must be something.

I look through my ladybug vision and  "voila!" I think.

I see a thick wire and those rubber gloves.
I rush towards Cat Noir who was busy distracting the akumatized person.
I whisper my plan to him to which,he nods.

I rush to the thick wire and follow it to an electronic cable box. Wearing those rubber gloves, which obviously do not conduct electricity, pulled out the main fuse wire. Leading to the loss of electricity.
And the power shut down of Copyright's electric powers which came from the innumerable sites open on the phone.
Aha! That MUST be where the akuma is!
Due to the loss of electricity, i couldn't see that wells and neither could she. But, Cat Noir could. And before I knew anything, I heard Cat Noir shout, "CATACLYSM!"
I figured he must have gone for the floor to trap her and he did do that.
I ran towards him, tripping at some places, and quickly ripped the phone from her hands and threw it on the ground.
And heard a typical "NOOOOOO!" from the villain.
"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" I shouted flinging the lucky charm up in the air.
My stomach was all good now and we did our usual fist bump.
"Pound it!"
My Miraculous beeped, showing two dots, indicating that I had only two minutes before I detransformed.
"See ya' kitty, bug out!"
"Unfurtunately, bye M'lady."

Howdy my bugheads!
Hope you like this one shot.
Bug out!

[Hi, I am Pearl, from 2021, the author of this book. And I am here to let you know that you shall be seeing one of these A/Ns below every chapter.

Also, why does this chapter exist?]

The Miraculous tales of Ladybug and Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now