It's a Secret

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Adrien's POV
"You're WHAT!?" I half yelled after Marinette revealed one of her biggest secrets.
"Shhh, calm down! Don't freak out please!" She nervously said while holding my shoulders tightly.
"I know it's kinda hard to take in, but try to understand. You're the only one whom I can trust enough to tell this." She pleaded. Her eyes glistening in contrast to the evening.

"Alright, what do I need to do?" I said.

A few hours ago~

"Alya!!!!" I heard Marinette call her name in annoyance as her Auburn bff snatched her phone and started playing around, making Marinette run after her, in order to catch her and get her phone back.

I laughed at their legendary goofiness. During our lunch break, we all decided to go to Marinette's bakery to feast on some croissants. I LOVE CROISSANTS! We ate together as a group for some minutes and then Alya and Nino ditched Marinette and myself to go and grab some 'books' they left at school.

Trust me, I know for sure that the books aren't the only reason they ditched us behind. I know that look on Nino's face. He had a smirk and I knew he and Alya were upto something.

And that left an awkward Marinette an me. Alongwith a very uncomfortable silence.

Mrs. Dupain-Cheng though, was acting very wierd. She seemed to act concerned and Marinette noticed it. She looked at me conveying that she needed a minute to talk to her Mom.

I nodded and let her slide off her seat to her mother. They whispered for some time and Marinette seemed to be really disappointed by the particular news.

She and I then withdrew back to our school. After thanking Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, of course.

I was just about to enter my class without bumping into a certain blonde. And then, speak of the devil...
"ADRIKINSSSSSS!" The said bit- oh, I mean blonde said.

After coping with her and hearing her temper tantrums so as to why me and Mari were walking together, she finally headed back to her class and I to mine.

Dismissal of classes~

I was about to go to my next class but then, before I could get out of the corridor, a powerful arm grabbed me by my hand and the other hand on my face, shutting my mouth shut.

My heart seemed stopped for a second. I tried to break free and then, I heard a melodic voice.

"Calm down. Please don't worry, it's just me, Marinette. I'm sorry for this but I need to talk to you. If you promise not to freak out, I'll tell you." She said.

I was pretty confused. How could such a petite bluenette have so much arm strength. I tried to move earlier but I couldn't budge. Not to mention, I am Cat Noir... Is she stronger than a superhero?

Nvm that... I nodded and she took her hand off my mouth.

"Ok, stay calm, I am just going to tell you one of the biggest secrets of my life. I am actually.... The Princess of China. And I need your help." She blurted out in one go.

I stood there blank. Trying to process what just happened.

And then, all hell broke loose.

"You're WHAT!?" I half yelled after Marinette revealed one of her biggest secrets.
"Shhh, calm down! Don't freak out please!" She nervously said while holding my shoulders tightly.
"I know it's kinda hard to take in, but try to understand. You're the only one whom I can trust enough to tell this." She pleaded. Her eyes glistening in contrast to the evening.

"Alright, what do I need to do?" I said. Still panicking on the inside. "Wait, you're a princess, so should I bow down, or call you 'your highness'? Or-" she cut my sentence of.

"You need not worry about that. Besides, I need you to escape this school with me. It's very dangerous for me to stay here. They are coming." She said. I can't believe that my purrincess is actually a princess.

"Who 'they'? " I inquired.

"My father. Real father's men. "
"Real father?! You mean, Mr. Tom Dupain Cheng is not your real father?" I was dumbfounded.

"No. He's actually my uncle." She continued. "Let me tell you the whole story. I was born in Shanghai, China, in my mom and dad's castle. My mom and dad were a very sweet couple and they ruled diligently. But, a few years ago,y Mom died and my dad got pretty harsh on me. He legit treated me like trash and we don't usually see eye to eye on matters. So, after two whole years of coping with my old man, I ran and left the house. Forever. And then, I started living with my uncle and aunt Dupain-Cheng. They were nice people and accepted me with open arms. I started adapting to my surroundings which was pretty easy considering that I love cooking and baking. Plus, I was finally having the chance to live a normal life. Couldn't let that slip away." She chuckled deeply.

"In all these years, not once has he ever recalled me. Let alone talk to me. But now, suddenly out of the blue, he wants me back? What is happening? He never talked nicely to me once and now, he is ready to accept me knowing that he absolutely despises me." Marinette was now struggling to hold back her tears. And Adrien had his first clenched.

His father had been like that to him. He could bear it. But seeing the same thing happening to a friend, filled him with fury, an expression he had never worn before.

Brushing the emotion off, he curiously asked her,"Why do you need me to escape with you?"

"Well, for one, I can't tell Alya about this or she is gonna freak out. Plus, if she updates this on social media, my life is doomed. Secondly, Paris is not all that familiar to me. So, I need you to navigate me into the darker side of Paris. And lastly, because I know that you are Cat Noir." She said, slightly nervous at the last part.

"WHAT!?" I screamed. This time, shocked for hell. This is too much fun r me. I still can't process Marinette being a princess but the fact of her knowing my identity and not freaking out about it, kinda puts me on edge.

"HOW MANY TIMES I'VE TOLD YOU NOT TO FREAK OUT ABOUT STUFF!" She firmly said while in the process of shooting daggers on me through her eyes.
Gotta admit she's pretty scary for a petite size. She can be as scary as Alya when someone interferes in her ships.

A few moments of explaining shit to Adrien later~

"Gonna come to the 'darker' side of Paris?" I asked her.
"Lead the way, prince charming." She smirked.

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