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"Chat Noir. Back again, are we?" Marinette whispered with a smile on her face. Not taking her eyes off her book about Fashion and Science.

Chat Noir did the courtesy of letting himself in. As for the bluenette, he totally noticed the fact that she was playfully ignoring him.

"Hey, Princess."

"Hey, kitty."

They talked for a while and planned on binge-watching sword art online.

However, they decided to chat a little while more.

And more.

And more.

And before Chat knew, they ended up talking about his civilian side. Chat initiated the conversation, actually.

It went something like this:

"Hey princess, am I intimidating?" Chat asked nervously.


And then, Marinette burst into laughter.

"Oh,  my g- ahahaha hahahahah!" she said in between her laughs.

"Intimidating? You? Pffft- hahahahahahaha!" She laughed again. So much, that her sides hurt.

Chat looked at her with a puzzling glance and joined in her laughter.

"I don't know what are you laughing T, but looking at you, I'm laughing too!" He laughed.

"I did not know you made such amazing jokes." She said and laughed again.

"It's not a joke." Chat laughed one more time and then stopped.

He wiped a tear of laughter from his face.

"What do you mean?" Marinette stopped laughing too and gave him a look he would die for.

He didn't realize that yet.

"Well, you see, there's this girl..." Chat began.

"Ooooh~ somebody has a crush~" Marinette cooed with a smug expression, that she reminded him If Ladybug.

That was uncanny.

"No! N-No. I-it's n-n-not like that" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Go on, lover boy." She smirked, nudging him on his muscular arm.

"Ok. Well, she seems so frightened around me. Well, civilian me, actually. It's not like she is intimidated by other boys. She seems so confident around them. Come to think of it! She challenged the strongest boy I know to an arm wrestle and guess what, she won! But she's so small and petite and-"

"Chat, you're getting carried away. Back to the point." Marinette slurped her hot chocolate loudly.

(P.S. when I typed hot, the autocorrect showed 'Chat' xD I can't even-")

"Okay." He coughed and started again.
"Well, she super strong and I know she's hella confident. But, whenever I'm around, she becomes a stuttering mess. She gets super nervous and fumbles over her words and she tends to try to run away from me and she acts super weird." Chat still didn't know if Marinette was the right person he should be asking this to, cause obviously, it was her he was talking about.

He always wanted to know why she acted so scared around him. He tried asking Nino but all he said was, 'Alya will kill me, dude.'
He turned to Alya for help and she laughed it off and scurried along.

And Chloe, well, let's just say that mere idea was hopeless.

So what's better than asking Marinette herself? He knew she wouldn't act normal around him when he was Adrien. So, what not try as Chat?

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