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???'s POV

Long, long ago.
There once lived a girl.
In a tiny little cottage.
In a tiny little town.
Situated in the roots of an ancient civilization.
Cut off from the great wide world.

She worked. And worked. Her parents abandoned her.

She was different.

At her age, while many other girls dreamt of marriage and cute boys riding horses to try to impress them, she instead, was way before her time.

She thought of ideas. New and brilliant. No one believed her. They took her as a joke. Laughed at her. Dismissing her ideas as pathetic foolish thought entering her mind due to poverty.

She was angry. She controlled her anger. She left them. No, they left her.

Left alone. In the dark. A tiny cottage in her possession. Her parents said they had had enough.
"We can't take it anymore! Stop thinking about things that don't concern you!" They said.

She nodded. They left her.
She set to work at once. She worked day and night. Tried to create something magical. She couldn't. She did not possess magic.

So, she headed out. To the great wide world. She had heard if a person named 'Witch'.
If the said name really suggested what she thought it would, then Witch definitely would be of great help to the girl.

So, she set off on a hard and tedious journey. And finally, reached her destination.

Which turned out to be a good person. She gave her some powers. And made her swear, if she does not use her powers for the greater good, she will be cursed.

The girl agreed. And returned back to her house. She looked at her failed attempts at creating magic. But now, she could pass on the magic from herself to the items.

She decided to donate a huge part of it to two particular items. The ones she held very dear.

Her mother's red earrings. Her father's black ring.

She gave them an equal amount of powers. The power of creation to the red earrings.
The power of destruction to the black ring.
She had to maintain a balance in humanity after all.

Then, she created numerous powers for the other jewels.

Each holding special significance to her.

She decided to name them, The Miraculous.

However, she let her deeply hidden selfishness get the best of her. And used one of the miraculous to kill.

That was the peacock miraculous. And so, along with her, the peacock miraculous received a curse.

The peacock miraculous was damaged.
As for her, she was cursed to become the evil holder of the moth miraculous.

The miraculous spread far and wide. Finally, assembling at a particular place somehow.
That's what's been transpiring for centuries.

The first holder of the Ladybug miraculous, named Isabelle, was a princess.
The first holder of the cat miraculous, named Evan, was a prince.

They loved each other to bits. In their superhero form.
Unfortunately, their respective kingdoms turned out to be bitter enemies in reality.

The princess of a distinct kingdom along with the prince of the rivalling kingdom. That could never be.

That was never meant to be.

The star crossed lovers, parted ways. And lived their life in sadness. Anger. Agony. Anxiety.



Mourning for each other.

The second time evil was awakened, the Ladybug Miraculous came into possession of a farmer's daughter.
The black cat's miraculous was handed to her best friend.

Astrid and Oscar.

Their ending wasn't a happy one either.
In their battle, Oscar died trying to save Astrid.

All her life she wished to lie with him in the afterlife.

But she couldn't. She was just too bounded by responsibilities.
She completed her task. Returned her miraculous. And then, peacefully rested in peace.

The third pair, a quiet unique one, named Sandra and Alex.
This particular pair never met each other in real life.

So, not quite a bit of a shock when they revealed their identities.

Things between them were subdued to professionalism.

The fourth holder of Cat miraculous, Mark, was a false holder. He stole the said miraculous. Thriving for attention. He lied to everyone that he was there in Paris to protect the people. But when tragedy fell on them, he hid in the shadows. Watching his Ladybug, Stacey, his childhood crush, die.

The fifth pair, the most intriguing.
And dumb.
And maybe blind.

Marinette, the fifth and by far the most capable holder of the Ladybug miraculous at a surprisingly young age, was a normal girl living in a bakery who just so happened to crush on her partner Chat Noir's alter ego, Adrien.

A blond guy with striking green eyes that shone in the sunlight when he thought about his lady. He loved his partner in red and black suit. He also may have taken a hidden and seemingly a tiny bit of liking to his clumsy friend Marinette.

Their story intrigue me the most. Living all those years...

If I ever do perish, I would like to witness the end of this story first.

Goodbye, Fu.


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