Love and Luck

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What's the point in love. Nobody loves me. Not mom. Not dad. I've got no family left. Wherever I go, destruction follows. One step, and it leads to a catastrophe. Grass and flowers die. Leaves wither. Trees dry up. And every living being near me, shares my bad luck. It's like a disease, now. A communicable one.

Third person's POV

He stepped out of his little cottage. And as expected, skies turned stormy.

And raindrops started pouring down from the grey clouds. Wherever he travelled, he caused chaos and suffering. He was the embodiment of destruction. Wherever he stepped his foot, bad luck follows. All types of lucky charms failed him. No four leaf clovers or rabbit feet. He thought his life was a mess.
Until one day. When he met her.

She lived in a humongous castle. And every day, seemed like a blessing. There was not a single lottery she hadn't won and not a single day she had felt what storms and rains were. She tried stepping on a muddy puddle but before she could do that, the wind carried a paper to cover the puddle. She groaned.

Her life literally was a four leaf clover. She had never experienced a rough ride. Her path was never blocked and she spread happiness and good luck everywhere she went. She had never hurt herself. She had never experiencced pain. She was loved and liked by all. There is only one word to describe her life. PERFECT.

Although she was satisfied by her life, she wanted to know what would happen is she weren't that lucky. She knew anyone would die to have a life like hers but she wanted to know what being a normal person was like. She wanted and longed to have a normal life and a few rough days so that she could feel any other emotion except happiness. She wanted to g out and explore how people lived through their ups and downs.

And what hurt her the most, was the fact that she couldn't. Even though she wanted to. She just couldn't. Her luck won't allow it. To see other people's despair.

Until one day. When she met him.

A girl whose luck was beyond perfection. And a boy whose luck was beyond terrible. But heart as pure as gold.

Marinette, the one with the luck, was just walking around in her usual attire and in her usual route. People smiled when she came by. They struggled to get a glimpse of her. They waved and shouted hi's and hello's. She greeted them with the same heart warming smile.

Adrien, the one who was terribly unfortunate, stayed in his little cottage. Avoiding people's contact and environment. He lived there in the hopes of finding a person who could complete him. And bring a little luck in his miserable life.

Marinette, was blessed to have the luck of a ladybug and Adrien, was cursed to recieve the misfortune of a black cat.

Then one sudden day, she just so casually happened to pass by the little cottage in the centre of the deserted forest. She was surprised to see dry leaves in her presence. And that thought actually made her happy. She longed to meet the person responsible for the sudden miracle. On a hunch, she looked inside to cottage to find a blonde boy with slightly tousled hair and dull emerald green eyes. He had a tattered Cape over his black clothes.
He was facing down and did not seem to notice her presence.

Around the boy, lay a plant and a dead bird. The blond, unable to notice her presence, kept his eyes glued to the ground.

Suddenly, the plant he held in his hand, began to emit a beautiful ray of light. Shaken off of his trance, he realised that the withered plant held in his hand, lived.

That was a first. There was something finally alive around him. He looked around to find the person or thing responsible for this miracle. And then, he spotted her.

A bluenette with a huge smile on her face and wearing a red dress with black polka dots. She had her hair tied neatly in two adorable pigtails and had pretty bluebell eyes.

She came closer to him, to which he hesitated. But, she she advanced. And sat right next to her. She held his hand and as if on cue, he leg tripped on a box lying on the ground. She hadn't got that hurt but this was the first time she ever experienced something like this.

Instead of grumbling about it, she smiled. A genuine smile.

They realised that they both completed each other and started living together.
The black cat's luck improved and the ladybug could actually feel what it is like to be a normal person.

Several years passed, they lived together. Travelled the world, met different people. Made new friends and foes.
In short, their life had improved for the best.

But, for a black cat, not for long. Because everything that's born, dies too. And so did the bug.

For a ladybug does not live for a long time. And the black cat, had nine lives. 

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