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Bugheads, you MAY be crying at the end of the story, so... Let's get started! This chapter is a sneak peek of my new book. 'Adieu'

Marinette was now whistling as she stood on top of the terrace of a twenty storey building. She knew Cat Noir was on patrol, so she didn't have to worry about the city.

How did she get there at the dead of the night? She couldn't sleep and decided to take a stroll. And soon she found herself on top of the building as her legs dragged her there.

She was all alone and obviously did not expect anyone to pop out of thin air.
But it happened.

Marinette was now whistling as she stood on top of the terrace of a twenty storey building. And then, someone tapped her shoulder.

She jerked up as she turned around to have a look at the person who was awake at this s point of time.

And it turned out to be


The person she least expected. Before she could say anything, the brunette opened up her mouth.

"Now listen up closely you little piece of shit. " She began, "If you think you are so popular then you are dead wrong, missy. You may have been able to turn the world against me, but you still are the very same trash."

On those words, Marinette recalled her telling Alya, Nino and probably the entire class about Lila's atrocious acts and proofs of what she said.
People believed her and word spread across the city. And since then, for some reason, Lila didn't attend class.

This was the first time the bluenette had seen the fake superhero after that incident.

"You may have been lured Adrien towards you, but he's mine. He'll always be mine!" Lila screamed.

Marinette did remember how close she and Adrien had become over the months and her stuttering also died down. She did see it as an accomplishment.

"I told you that I'll destroy you and turn all your friends against you but that didn't do the trick." The liar advanced towards Marinette as she stumbled back.

Those words highlighted how Marinette stood up to Lila and how all her friends, including Chloe, took her side.

The angry brunette stepped towards her which made Marinette step back, unintentionally.

And then, after a bit of more coming forward and moving backwards, Marinette felt it.

The railing. Which unfortunately for her, was too low.

"But let me make it clear to you, Marinette. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Right?" Lila smirked.

Until now, Marinette was cornered. She couldn't run past through Lila or else she would fall.

"I'm just gonna give a little push to your luck. That's all!" She continued.

And then, Marinette finally realised the 'push' she was talking about. And now, she was scared. But she could save her life by transforming so, she didn't fear.

And then, just when Lila was about to push the bluenette off from the building, a black cat crossed their way. The cat crawled up to Lila's foot and being the typical 'scaredy-cat' she is, she was 'disgusted' by the animal. And jumped back diagonally.

"Ewww!" She screeched.

And then, stumbled and before she knew it, "Lila! Watch out!" She heard.

And then before she knew it, she stumbled back and fell down the low railing.

The brunette closed her eyes hoping for soon death as she presumed that to be the payback for her sins. She had committed such a crime before as well. She did push one girl from a building as well. Luckily, the girl survived. Much to Lila's disappointment.

And on her way to hell, she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her. In mid-air. She opened her eyes to see a pair of bluebell eyes. Belonging to Marinette.

"What are you!?" She was cut off when Marinette quickly shut her up and whispered "Tikki spots-" her sentence wasn't completed as her back hit the ground.

She had turned her back to the ground in order to save Lila.

Blood started to pour out of her back and head. And in all of that chaos, Marinette simply lay there with a broken smile on her face.
"It's nothing." She chocked out blood.

"You wanted to get rid of me. So I'm happy that at least I could be useful. Just take care of my parents for me, will ya."
She sputters out as blood leaked out of her face as well.

"No! No no no no no! Please! You've gotta hang in there! I'll call someone! Please! HELP! SOMEONE! ANYONE! PLEASE! Just don't die okay! You can't die on me!"

"Please! Ple..a.s...e." Her voice broke down. As she desperately struggled to find help. She didn't have a phone on her so she couldn't call anyone as well.

Chat Noir POV

Another boring and normal day. What's new?

Shoot! Almost forgot! It's my time to patrol today.
Time to go!
"Plagg, claws out!" I transformed into the legendary and gorgeous Chat Noir. Ok, I'm gonna stop.

I set out to patrol. It was my turn after all! It was just a peaceful night and there didn't seem to be anything wrong.
What could go wrong after all?

I was about to head back when I heard some shrieks.

"HELP! SOMEONE! ANYONE! PLEASE! Just don't die okay! You can't die on me!"

D- die? I have to check it out. There's no way someone could die right!? It's just a joke.

Yeah. Just a joke.

I whizzed past the buildings to reach the source of the voice and it came form, Lila.

"Lila! What happe-" my eyes shot wide open as I saw the scene beyond me.

Marinette. She lay there eyes shut. Blood pouring down from her spine. And her face. Her eyes were covered by her hair as she lay still. Still as a dead body.

Third Person POV

Chat Noir was now completely horrified. His princess was in such a condition!

"Meet me at the hospital. Bring Marinette's parents along as well." The blond superhero said in an unusually grim tone. Blue murder in his eyes for whoever did this to his blueberry.

He picked her petite body gently in bridal style and went to the hospital in such a speed which could rival Flash's speed.

Shouting for the doctor as soon as he entered the hospital, he lay her on the stretcher brought by the nurse.

The doctor followed by the nurse rushed to the ICU. (Idk if they exist in France)

Two hours of operation, and two hours of wait by all people Marinette loved.
Yes, all of the school was there. From Principal Damocles to the Mayor,  every person Marinette ever met was present there. Even Chloe.
And Lila.

Chat Noir was sitting there, silently crying and head in his hands. His hair we're far messed than usual.

Her parents were crying their eyes our and Lila's eyes were red from crying. Even Chloe didn't care for her high and mighty status and wailed like a child.

And let's just say, Chat was mad. Dead mad. He wanted to know who did this to his princess. She was the kindest person he'd ever seen. She didn't deserve this.

On the other hand, Lila couldn't bring herself to tell others that this was all her fault. Neither had she followed Marinette and threatened her, nor this would've ever happened.

They were all startled when the door of the operation room shot open and the doctor came out.

"I'm sorry. It's too late. She's gone."

Hey, bugheads!
Just so you know, my chapter 'Adieu' is now a book with the same name and if you want a part two of 'adieu' then go check my book out.
Although the first chapter is the same as I've written in this book.

This is just a sneak peek!

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