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You know sometimes when you watch certain episodes and you are like, "Nah, I wish it would have ended like this..."

Enjoy. ⊂((・▽・))

Lila's POV
Dang, that Ladybug really messed up my chances with Adrien. Like who does she think she is. And now, all thanks to Adrien, everyone knows that I lie with every single breath. I think I should switch schools because I doubt anyone would like to be friends with me, now that they know my 'special ability'. I should call mom and let her know about it.

I was about to pick up my phone to place the call, when-

Marinette's POV (◕ᴗ◕✿)

I know I hate liers and this Lila girl was trying to drive Adrien away from me! This is outrageous. But Tikki said that I kinda over did it.
"Marinette, you should'nt have yelled at her like that. You could have found a peaceful way for the problem. That wouldn't have led to her being akumatized. She still has hard feelings towards Ladybug and if you don't do something quick, she is gonna be the perfect ally for hawkmoth!" Tikki said it all in one breath doing over exaggerated hand movements.

"I know Tikki, but I just- I just went out of control. You know how I can be when it comes to Adrien." I say out of frustration. And pressing my temples to calm myself down.

"Marinette, you said it yourself, a good hero always listens to her head. So tell me, at this point, what's more important. Adrien or Paris?" She asked.

And that was no contest. Of course I would choose Paris. After all, it's my duty as a superhero.

"Don't you feel guilty for having causes this mess?" She asked.

Yes. I did feel guilty and conscience pricked. I nodded to answer her question to which she smiled and her tiny eyes brightened up. 

"That's my Marinette. Now go, make amends with her." She said.

I took a deep breath and made my way to Lila who was busy shuffling through her bag probably to find something.

I lightly tapped her shoulder as she found her phone and switched it on.

She jerked around and blinked confusingly.

"What?" She snapped.

"It's uh-"

 "You probably came here to mock me like everyone else, right? Go ahead. Do whatever you want." She cut my sentence off. 

"Umm, actually, no." I said sheepishly.

"Look, I heard what happened between you and Ladybug. And, I personally think she went a little overboard. You seem like a nice person if I do say so myself." I said.

'I can not believe I just said that. About myself.'

To be honest, I myself did not know what I was thinking. And what I just blurted out. Just a few minutes ago, I was there criticizing her and now I'm here trying to make things better.

"R-Really? No, wait this is a prank, right? Go away. I don't need any more haters than I already have." She said.

"Listen. I know how you feel, trust me, I've been there. I just wanted you to know that I'm not playing any pranks here and second, I really want us to be friends. This way, I can make you a better person and same goes for you. Peace?" I called out to her, my hand rising to receive a handshake. 

Hesitant at first, she reached out to my hand to shake it. 

"Peace!" She exclaimed happily.

"But- there is one thing you should keep in mind. You don't need to lie to anyone to gain attention. You've got a friend right here." I smile at her. And she returns with a genuine hug. I hug her back and walk her home.

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