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There are no miraculous in this story. And the basic idea is inspired by the Anime/ Manga 'Fairy Tail'.

"Let him go, insolent brat." Marinette snapped at Dark Heart, who was currently holding a blond in her grasp.

"My, my, looks like the mushroom from the different dimension is mad." A giggling response was heard from the sea monster's side.

"I. SAID. LET. HIM. GO." A mere whisper now, the threat didn't affect the villainous creature at all. "Okay, NOW, I'm pissed." She said as a red aura surrounded her causing her hair to act against gravity. Adrien, from inside the monster's hands, was pretty much shocked to see what happens next.


"Hey Marinette!" Adrien said in a jovial manner as he and the bluenette met in the museum of Musée d'Orsay for a history project the two of them were assigned to do. Little did they know they weren't the only ones there.

"HEY GURL!" Marinette literally jumped as she heard a VERY familiar voice behind her.

"Didn't expect to see you here!" Alya continued. "Me and Juleka are working on the fossils here. What's your topic?" Marinette turned to see the goth and waved at her.

"Me and Marinette are assigned to do the ancient scripts! We will make notes on them and click some pictures if that's allowed. We mainly focus on the information written on them if it's in English. The others may not be in the said language, but, we will try to decipher them." Adrien replied in her place.

"Considering that the Agreste boy here is a master in different languages and our Marinette is an ancient little bug, I guess you'll be able to pull it off!" Alya laughed.

"What do you mean!?" Marinette gnarled at her best friend. "Well  you did tell me you are interested in ancient manuscripts, and you can decipher them, a little..." Alya smirked.

"ALYA! I told you to keep it a secret!" 

"You never told me that! It's great! You are the perfect partner for this project then! I'm glad I got you as mine!" Adrien, clueless as hell, smiled at the now profusely blushing maiden.

"It is gonna be a great embarrassment if I am not able to decipher it." Marinette mumbled low enough for only her to hear.

"Come on! Let's go!" Adrien, absentmindedly, grasped her hand in his and led her in the history section of the museum.

And, we don't exactly need to describe Marinette's reaction here. She was back in her Adrien Land again.
After a few hours of research and observations, Adrien came across an ancient tablet of stone.
"Hey, Marinette, you think you can decipher it?" He asked.
"I'll give it a shot." She nodded.

"Lucky for us, it's written in Persian script. I'll figure it out in a while." 

A few minutes later...

"Hey, listen to this. I actually figured it out! I can't say for sure the exact meaning but I do know the basic message. It's weird though..."She hesitated to speak.

"Come on then, speak up!" The blond impatiently urged for her to speak.

"Okay, here goes nothing. It says, 'The world opposite to earth land, is a magical world, where every living soul has magic. They just need to unleash it. Unlike our world, where powers are possessed only by magic jewel wielders, there is magic in every nook and corner of this new world.' She finished.

"Is there more?" He asked.

"This is basically the introduction. What follows next intrigues me. It says, 'When the two creative and destructive powers meet, and this script is being read, they will be teleported to the celestial world of the stars. And the embodiments  of creation and destruction themselves, will help the people of this world and free them from the wrath of the dark angel of hell. Only then, will the balance between the two worlds be maintained." 

The Miraculous tales of Ladybug and Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now