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Hey Bugheads!

So, this one's another 'How I wish it happened' of the episode, Evillustrator. Hope you enjoy!!!

"You do realize that you just blabbered on to Adrien about how you think he's awesome, don't you?" Tikki said in a very did-realization-hit-you-yet tone.

"He touched my shoulder, I'll never wash my jacket again." Marinette sighed dreamily, clutching her jacket ever so lightly.

"Girl, you've got to get better control on your emotions." The red kwami replied to her master's love sick activities as she gazed at her crush from afar.

Marinette finally pulled herself together and headed to another classroom. Laughing at her best friend's antics on trying to persuade Chloe to talk about Ladybug or Chat Noir and not herself.


As she made her way to her next class, she bumped into a certain red head. "Sabrina, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"That's none of your business, Marinette. I'll never tell you that I'm going to the library to finish Chloe's math homework. Hmph." Sabrina huffed as she left the bluenette and headed towards the library.

"O,K?" was all the bluenette could mutter.

The class was boring and it was taken by Mrs. Mandelieve. The only reason our blueberry could survive it, was due to the fact that the next period, was recess,

"Marinette! Come join us at the cafeteria!" Alya shouted as she saw her clumsy friend leave the school.

"Not today, Als, I've got something to take care of today!" was the reply.

Alya was confused. If Marinette ditched recess, then either she was too eager to 'take care of something' or she was going nuts.

Marinette hastened to her house and quickly grabbed a package.

It was a red box with a red ribbon holding its flaps in place

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It was a red box with a red ribbon holding its flaps in place. She grabbed it and made her way to the school again. Eating was a short process for her today. She had to complete her 'job'.

"Hey! Wait up!" She cried trying to stop a certain red head.

Nathaniel turned around to find Marinette rushing up to him and tried hard to suppress a blush. "Stop!" she said as he realized he was still walking. 

His steps came to a  halt as the petite bluenette finally caught up to him.

"Y-yes?" He stuttered at the sight of his crush panting heavily as her cheeks flushed from all the running. She had ran all the way to her house to pick up the box, then back at school and then upto him.

Normally, this wouldn't faze Marinette at all. But she had just beat up some akuma ass which just so happens to be Nathaniel's.

"I almost forgot it. So I ran back at home to get it for you. Here, Happy Birthday Nathaniel."

(Let's just pretend it all happened in one day and not two, k?)

"You r-remembered!?" The tomato was too surprised to say anything else. "Of course I remembered! It IS your birthday after all! I can't forget the birthday of a friend!" She smiled.

 "Of course I remembered! It IS your birthday after all! I can't forget the birthday of a friend!" She smiled

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That smile, made him fall for her all over again.

And he was back to square one. Madly in love with her. Yes, love. And not just some stupid crush. Geez, he was hopeless.

He couldn't resist anymore. He pulled her into a bear hug. She was hesitant at first so as to not give him the wrong impression, but she gave in. If that makes Nate feel better, then why would she resist?

She hugged him back, as he cried on her shoulder.

"Fank you." His voice muffled as he dug in her shoulder. She consoled him. "Hey, hey, now, don't cry! Its all right!" 

As the two were having their 'moment' a certain blond and his friend came across them. 

"Fank you." they heard and decided to peek in the empty classroom.

"Hey, hey, now, don't cry! Its all right!" He heard a familiar voice speak. Later he saw his princess and Nathaniel in an embrace. 

 An unintentional growl escaped the mouth of Adrien 'justafriend' Agreste. "Dude, why in the heck are you scowling?" Nino asked his frowning friend. "Is it because of Marinette?" He asked. More like teased. With an evidently visible glare fixated at the red headed tomato.

"What! No! Marinette is just a friend!" (I don't think I need to mention who said those words.) 

"Is she really just a friend?" That question, asked by Nino Lahiffe, unanswered and ignored by the one and only Adrien Agreste, haunted his mind for the rest of the day.

He thought about how their lips almost kissed twice. Once during the school play, and other during a recent adventure. Where Marinette 'joked' with him and 'pranked' him by almost kissing him on the lips.

He didn't know Marinette was so bold. And in that moment, he realized how amazingly she reminded him of his black polka dotted partner.

"Is she really just a friend?"

"Is she?" 

Did he really see her that way? That's for him to know and her to find out.

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