Stupid Masks

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Marinette POV
Being Ladybug always seemed like a blessing.

"Adrikinssssss!" I hear that psycho talking to Adrien.
He politely tries to back off and pushes her gently with a disgusted look on his face.
She tried to kiss him on the lips and by then, I'd had enough.
From across the room, I rush towards them and just when her lips were about to smack into his, I pulled her by her 'oh so fabulous' hair and dragged her away from him.
"Hey, can't you see he's uncomfortable!?" I yelled at her.
"Stupid Maritrash! How dare you touch my hair! It took me two hours to style them!" She yelled back.
Maintaining my cool, I leaned towards her, a sly grin plastered on my face, "And that's all you could do in two hours? What a waste of time!" I said. Her eyes wide with shock and anger made an amusing expression on her face.
Swaying my hips and tossing my hair in a 'badass' way, I regained my composure.
"And Chloe, btw, you should actually brush your teeth often. They don't quite smell good. Here, these might help." I said tossing her a mini box of mints.
"FYI, if you DO use them, I want my fees. They ain't for free, honey." I smirk and turn to Adrien.
I restrained myself from blushing and brought out my Ladybug style.
"You can thank me later." I wink at him as he looks at me wide eyed.
Wait, did I just FLIRT with THE Adrien Agreste! My crush!
This is the best day of my life!

So, Adrien needed to talk to me and I felt a bit nervous but I followed him in lunch.
In an empty classroom, he looked at me and said, 'Ok, I don't know how to start this but, I always thought you were scared of me and hated me as you always used to try to find excuses to get away from me. And you stutter near me which I took as your nervousness. But today, I saw a different side of you. A more confident side. Instead of the usually shy one. So, what's this all about?" He asked me raising an eyebrow.
"Ok, look, Adrien, I'm sorry I made you feel that way. And no, I'm not scared of you or anything. I just get nervous around you because I like you Adrien. I wouldn't say love cause that's a huge word but I really appreciate and admire you for the who you are. And not just only for your looks or your wealth." I blurted out.
He looked pretty confused and scared and I guess he didn't know what to say.
"Umm, okay, so, uh, tell me how this crush of yours started."
I hesitated and then continued.
"Ever since the day you gave me your black umbrella, and asked for my forgiveness and tried to clear that misunderstanding I had. Your character, your personality and kindness, that made me fall for you." I said fidgeting with my fingers.

"I never thought that you felt that way of me. Look, Marinette. You're an amazing girl and honestly one of my first and best friends. I always felt so comfortable around you because of the gum incident. That day, you did not forgive me for my being famous and fangirled around me like thousands of girls and actually treated me like a human not a model. You are a very forgiving and understanding person if I do say so myself. And you always put others before yourself. You are a role model Marinette." He concluded.

I felt flattered. My crush who hardly ever noticed me, was speaking so high of me. And enjoyed my company!

"Adrien, you're exaggerating. I'm no where near of how you just described me! I'm clumsy and awkward and super weird. And I always create disasters and messes and I'm just so, imperfect!"  I stated.

"No, whatever I said, Marinette, isn't even half of your description. You're so much more! I can't even compare myself to you! But-" He hesitated and my hopes grew down.

"There's a but?" I nervously asked him.

"But I already like someone else. And trust me, you deserve someone far better than me." He said, gloomily. Even though  my heart sank deep down, I restrained myself from tearing up. You are Ladybug, you are not supposed to be sad. If you get akumatized, then who's gonna save Paris? Cat Noir can't purify akumas! "Hey, hey, it's okay! I ain't gonna cry. It's just. I am glad that I confessed. I've been under that  burden for over an year. So, wanna be friends, Mr. Friendzone?" I winked laying out my hand. Blushing a pink tint, he shook my hands and replied, "Yes, Miss Badass." I laughed.

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