"I am Ladybug"

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"I am Ladybug."


Mouths went wide open as soon as those words left her mouth. Eyes seemed to pop out and brains seemed to malfunction.
Those words were left by a certain brunette, whose speciality was lying.
She had somehow ended up with the Miraculous of Ladybug and using it to her advantage and gaining attention.

How does it feel to be Ladybug?
You are so awesome!
How did you get your miraculous?
Can I get an autograph?
I need to get an interview!
This is so gonna go on my Ladyblog!
I am so glad it is you, Lila!

Those we're some of the many questions in the air.
But one, although not loud, stood out and was heard by the real Ladybug.

"I don't believe her."

Following the voice, she saw an arm. Linked to a perfectly chiselled face and blond, neatly combed hair.

"Seriously?" She said.
"We need to talk." She said.

Grabbing his arm, she led him to a park and sat on a bench.

"Why don't you believe her?" Marinette asked.

"Because I know for sure that she isn't Ladybug." Adrien

"How?" She inquired.

He was getting nervous. He couldn't tell her how.

He couldn't tell her that he was Cat Noir. But he could tell her one thing.

"Because, the first time Lila told me she was Volpina and got akumatized, Ladybug was there. She was in my room along with Lila." He said.
It was the truth.
At least he hadn't lied to his friend.

"You are Cat Noir, aren't you?" She said.
He stared at her blank expression. She figured it out so easily. How?

"But, how?" He absently stated.
"So it is the truth." She closed her eyes.
"We'll talk about it later. But right now, I need your help." She said.

He nodded.

"Lila has stolen the Ladybug miraculous for sure. And I need to get it back." She said.

"Why are you so concerned about the Ladybug miraculous?" He said, being oblivious as usual.

"You oblivious little cinnamon roll, cause I am Ladybug."

No sooner than she said those words, his mouth flew so wide open that it could rival the black hole.

His eyes teared up as his lips curled into a soft smile. After that, the expected happened.
He grabbed her waist and pushed her close to his chest. His head resting on hers.

After blushing profusely, she hugged back.
After a few seconds, reality hit her.
"We need to help Tikki! Oh, what must Lila have done to her!" She whimpered.
"Calm down. We will find her. I reckon she is your kwami. We will find her." He said, consoling his princess.

"Mission Ladybug, on!" The couple said in unison.

And they waited. As per the plan. They waited till night. Till everyone was asleep and then, a black cat was found rushing on rooftops holding a petit girl in his arms, bridal style.

She clutched on to his leather suit and closed her eyes.

"Princess, we're here." Cat Noir whispered.

She nods and faces the door to Lila's house. Thankfully, Lila's mom wasn't home. And how'd she know that?

Lila told Adrien (who told Marinette) that due to her parents not being home, they could have a little fun, alone.

And of course, he declined.


"Princess, the door's locked. Now what?" He asks.
His green eyes contrast to the starless night.
"I'm called Ladybug for a reason you know." She says as she reaches for a bobby pin in her hair and picks the lock.
"Voila!" She exclaims as she hears a click.

Cat Noir, amazed by her thief-ness, faithfully follows.
They ninja walk up the stairs and gradually head towards Lila's room.

Opening the door, which thankfully did not creek, they went inside.

"Sneaking in other's room is a crime, you know."
They heard a dry chuckle followed after this sentence.

She froze in her steps.
He grabbed his baton for defence. And they slowly turned around to face the door.

Only to find a pair of olive green eyes staring at them.

[Ayyy why we goin' so fast-]
-Pearl 2021

The Miraculous tales of Ladybug and Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now