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Grace sat on her bed, knuckles white as she gripped the edge of it with more force than she should have. She couldn't shake the feeling that whatever had happened that morning on the lawn had caused things to become a little tense between herself and Erik.

Despite having known the man for less than a week she felt a great deal of emotion tied up with him. It may be the fact that she was known as being highly empathetic and that she got attached far too quickly to everyone but she couldn't help but want to stay in his good books.

He was complex and intriguing and the phycologist side of her brain was fascinated by him. She wished she could swap her mutation with Charles so she could have a look into Erik's mind.

"Someone looks on edge," a voice said.

Grace looked up and smiled. Raven looked content, something Grace had never really seen her as. The blonde leaned against the door frame holding a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"Hey Raven," Grace said.


The shape-shifter had been quick to welcome her into the school and even if that was because she'd gotten tired of being alone with Hank and Charles or not Grace was thankful for it.

"Well, I'm going downstairs to share a bottle with Charles," she said, "He needs to stop being Professor X for one minute and just be Charles."

"Damn right he does," Grace agreed, glad someone shared her thoughts, "Have fun."

Alone again Grace lay back, letting the duvet deflate beneath her weight. She needed to talk to someone about her 'metal manipulator' problem but the only adults around weren't exactly who she had in mind.

If thoughts could swirl hers would be. Everything seemed to be jumbling together, it made her feel sick way down into the pit of her stomach. She needed some air, something to get her mind off her anxiety.

She tilted her head back so she could look out through her window. The sun was going down. Time for a walk.

"You do realise this is a school don't you," Grace grumbled standing a few metres away from Erik.

He didn't turn, instead, he let out a puff of white smoke, it was quickly whisked away by the wind.

"Yes," He said simply.

Grace approached him. She'd gone for a walk to get the mad man out of head only to run into him. He was smoking though and despite its harmful contents, had been found to relieve stress.

"You look cold," He observed. She didn't reply. He put the cigarette between his lips before taking off his jacket and holding it out to her. She shook her head, he just shrugged before laying it over the stone railing.

At his words, Grace had realised that she was, in fact, cold and should have brought a sweater down. Goosebumps lined her arms.

"Smoking's bad for you, you know," She said absentmindedly. He smirked.

"Doesn't stop you from wanting to though, does it?"

She turned to him. He blew out smoke holding the cigarette out to her. She hesitated.

"I'll put it out then," He said. 

He dropped it at his feet and stomped the flames out. A wisp of smoke rose from it, blatant against the darkening sky.

"Are you sure you don't want my jacket?"

"Ever the gentleman, aren't you?"

"No," He said, "I just don't want you to get sick."

"I'll be fine, I came out here to clear my head, the cold is helping."

"Listen about this morning-"

"I don't remember anything about what happened after we went out to see what had happened," Grace interrupted.

"Oh." He did an excellent job of hiding his relief. "I was just going to say that I'm sorry for upsetting you."

"No need."

At least that got rid of her worries about there being some kind of rift between them. However, whatever had happened that morning had made him feel guilty and she wanted to know what it was.

"Raven's back," she said trying to break the empty silence. 

"Oh," Erik said. He seemed kind of disappointed at that. "Please tell me she hasn't told you anything horrible about me."

"Don't worry," Grace said chuckling, "She hasn't."

"Has she told you anything about me?" He asked, curious.

"She said you've been through a lot."


"That's it."


"Why? What is she meant to have told me?" Grace asked.

"I don't know," he said, "How much of a monster I am."

He said it as a joke by Grace could feel a sort of underlying truth to it, in Erik's eyes at least. The man let out a breath. She wanted to reach out and give him a hug but she had a feeling pity wasn't something Erik needed any more of.

"He was in your head this morning," Erik said changing the subject.

"Who was?"

"Charles," he explained, "When you had your little moment."


Erik seemed to have been expecting a different response because he gave her a look of confusion.

"And you're fine with that?"

"Yeah," Grace said, "I've given Charles permission to go into my head whenever unless I specifically ask him not."

"You let him have almost free access to your thoughts? Why?"

"Because it's what he does and I trust him. You and I don't need other people to use our mutation but Charles," She began, "His gift is only there because people have self-awareness and imagination. He should be allowed to use it as freely as you can lift cutlery."

Erik didn't know what to say. To willing allow someone into his thoughts? The idea made him sick.

"But some things are private, not meant to be shared."

"And he doesn't see those things if I don't want him too."

"You both confuse and fascinate me," Erik said.

"I could say the same about you."

"Could you just?"

"There aren't many people like you Erik. Who've survived everything you have. You're... special."

"Lucky me."

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