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Grace wasn't one to flaunt herself, or she hadn't before. She rather liked how powerful she felt as she and Raven walked through the mall. Her heels made an extremely satisfying sound as she walked, and either she had noticed how many stares she gathered or the number had increased.

"Peter is such a pain in the butt," Grace said, "I'm mean isn't he like twenty?"

"You're preaching to the choir," Raven said, "What do you want for lunch?"

"I'm in the mood for something greasy," Grace admitted, "I probably shouldn't but I really like fries."

"Hmm," Raven hummed.

Grace knew Raven wasn't exactly a 'people person'. It was evident from the time she'd spent with the shape-shifter that raven had trouble blending into society. From what she knew, Raven had fallen victim to feeling that her blue skin was nothing to be proud of. She used to work with Erik and shared some of his views with a little more hope in humanity. How she had that, Grace didn't know.

"What's it like?" Grace asked munching on a fry, "To not know where you belong."

Raven looked up from her cola.

"It's lonely," she answered, "But you get used to it."

Grace went back to her meal, picking a strange-looking piece of lettuce from her burger. She felt a sense of confusion from Raven, it was as if the woman didn't know what Grace was going to do next.

"I don't really have any friends," Grace said keeping eye contact with her food, "I think I'm scared of getting hurt. It's happened too many times before."

"What about Charles and Hank?" Raven asked, "What about Erik?"

"Charles acts like I'm another helpless student, Hank... No idea, and well... Erik's going to break my heart or get me killed, isn't he?"


"And I don't really know you, do I, Raven?"

"People... disappoint me," she admitted, "It's all right and wrong with them."

"I couldn't agree more."

"Charles asked me to talk to you," Raven said, "He's acting like you're losing your mind." She stabbed her fork into the ball of rice before her.

Grace clenched her fist. Charles needed to back off before Grace really did snap.


"He's paranoid."


Blood dripped from the cut on her cheek. She stumbled, almost tripping over the uneven ground. She lifted her hands, wrapping her fingers around the metal gate.

"Please," she begged hoarsely, "I need your help."

Letting go of the gate she sank to her knees, rain hitting her bare skin as she gave up. The dirt turning to mud beneath her. Slowly the gate creaked open but she was too exhausted to look up.

"Hey," someone said reaching out and lifted her up by her shoulders. She looked into the man's warm brown eyes. "Stay with me."

She felt him put one of her arms over his shoulder and she remembered her legs going by muscle memory as she walked into the camp.

"You're going to be okay," the man said, "I promise." Somehow she believed him. He was right, I'm going to be okay, she thought. He led her into a small building, helping her into a chair.

"What's your name?" he asked hurrying to get her a glass of water.

"Grace Denton," she breathed.

She gulped down the water the second he'd handed it to her.

"Thank you," Grace whispered, "What's your name?"

"Adrian," he replied.

Grace looked up at Adrian who smiled kindly at her.

"This is Sanctuary," he explained, "A safe haven for mutants from everywhere."

"My family..." she choked, "They think I'm a monster."

He reached out with a tissue dabbing at the cut on her cheek.

"They're wrong, Grace. You're perfect."

Putting her jacket away on a coat hanger Grace turned to find Erik standing in her doorway. She smiled at him.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner tonight," he offered.

"Hmm," she said, "Let me think?" He raised his eyebrows at her. "I think that would be lovely."

"How about seven?"


"Shall we go fancy?"



He nodded his head at her before disappearing behind the door frame. As soon as he was gone Grace sighed. 

"You could have said 'no.'"

"Aren't I allowed to have any fun."

"You are," it said looking her in the eye, "But you need to be careful. I don't want you to think they'll accept you, you need to know the truth and he might filter reality for you."

"And we wouldn't want that, now would we," Grace snarled sarcastically.

"I want you to see how special you are," it said reaching out and cupping her cheek, "You are going to rule the world and they are going to try and stop you from getting what you deserve."

"You know what?" Grace said, "You should have gone into marketing you can convince people of anything."

"This is all you, Grace. I'm just clearing the path."

Grace blinked. Something felt wrong, sickly and slimy.

"It is my choice," she tried to convince herself, "I am in control."

"It's your right."

"Is it?"

"Don't doubt yourself."

"I'm not."

"I'm doubting you, Adrian."

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