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It had been a while since we confessed, and we hadn't mentioned it since. I hadn't yet made my decision but I was happy, we were happy to continue recording mineclash episodes together. Graser seemed unbothered that I hadn't told him my conclusion yet to our little dilemma, we were at peace after finally letting out those long-held feelings suppressed within us.

Minecon was coming up in two days and so I planned to tell him then. I'd tell him I love him and that I've accepted being looked at like I was a cougar if it meant I could be with him. It didn't matter, besides I look like I'm in my twenties so it probably won't be a visible issue to any strangers. I'm not the kind of person to be insecure about what others will think of me but in this case, I'm worried about how my friends and family will react once they know. I couldn't get away without them knowing the age gap and they aren't just any stranger I can walk away from and avoid. They are people I love and I'm afraid my decision will alter what the people I know and love will think of me. I myself have already come to terms with being with an 18-year-old. It's not for any gains and it's not an easy decision, it's for a genuine love I don't want to let go to waste. A genuine love with a genuine somebody. I'm certain of my decision; I won't regret it.

The Day of Minecon

Her panel had just ended and so I followed her rushing to get to her. Once I was close I yelled out "Stacy! Stacy!". I may have been close but it was pretty loud with all the people around us. She turned around when she recognized her name being said by a familiar voice. She looked stunned but quickly recovered and then spread out her arms to hug me. I felt safe in her embrace and hugging back I wished this could last longer.  I was deeply in love and happy to see her. She then put her arm around my back and led me to the outside. I was confused and I'm guessing she saw and quickly looked around to make sure we were in a secluded area. No one was outdoors. She then looked at me and began to tell me she made her decision. "What is it?" I interjected unintentionally. The Canadian in me apologized and she laughed. I was glad I could make her happy and then she continued. She told me she accepted the fact that she loved me and that she was willing to be more than friends. At that moment I held her and embraced not letting go for a long while. I smiled breathed in relief into her neck and nuzzled her left cheek. She looked at me lightly with a soft smile then leaned her cheek against mine while putting her arms around my shoulders so she could reach. I enjoyed the cool touch against our cheeks and smiled against hers. Sadly we had to part for awhile while she did some signings and  I had to get to the Cube House.

However, we met again for some other signings the next day. I got a reserved seat next to her and was glad when I realized a good amount of my fans are her fans as well so I got a bit rest compared to her. Near the end of our signing, a girl came up to us and said she ships Gracy. Stacy and I just laughed in response as if in disbelief. but really we just didn't know how else to react. "Cool, where do you want me to sign?" I asked. "No, really! I do ship you guys!", "We know", "I believe you don't worry" we responded and chuckled. And we continued on.

Gracy: Genuine Love, Gentle SorrowsWhere stories live. Discover now