An Eventful Day and Numbing Discoveries

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We went skiing at 3. It was fun though I fell many times. We had to take advantage of the snow before it went away. And Graser was surprisingly good at skiing. Utah is notorious for good skiing and snowboarding opportunities. We skied until dusk. The sunset was beautiful so I gaze at it in silent awe. 

"What's wrong?", he asked stopping behind me to my side seemingly troubled by my abrupt halt. 

"What? Oh, nothing... I'm just admiring the sunset".

"Oh... well, it's nice I guess", he rests his chin on my head and puts his arms across my tummy before staring fixedly at the sun until it left the horizon leaving behind a strained swelling of bright light.

We then started walking back home to the cabin in perfect harmony holding our skiing equipment. Had we not been carrying them we'd probably be subconsciously holding hands.

"Do you want to go snow sledding tomorrow?", I asked.

"Sure! Why not?"

Back at the Cabin

As soon as we arrived Stacy excused herself to take a shower. I waited on the couch simply reminiscing our conversation over TS a month ago when she invited me to her home. She said she simply missed me and was hoping we could spend some time together physically other than digitally. I agreed thrilled. I've been missing her too dearly, though I brushed it away thinking I was over-reacting. We talked bi-weekly why would I feel this way? I wanted to be close to her, comfort her, and be in her comfort. I yearned for closeness and to demonstrate my affection.I had brought little supplies but remember t bring a temporary laptop so I could still record. I didn't want my audience questioning where I was. I knew they'd go crazy even if I didn't address Stacy as my now, girlfriend. I wanted this visit to be a time of peace while I visited, I didn't want to create a tumult within my fanbase. 

Milquetoast surprisingly came down from his cat tree and now sat on my lap. I stroked his fur grateful that I was lucky enough to be with this girl despite our differences and that she had welcomed me into her home for a season. I'm not sure how long I daydreamed for when out of the corner of my eye I saw Stacy sitting next to me. In her pajamas and mostly covered by a blanket she looked at me, eyes tired and asked if I was interested in watching the first few episodes of "The Walking Dead" on Netflix. I complied seeing as I'd never seen the show and was curious why she used to be so obsessed with it. I didn't expect to watch an R-rated series; there was swearing.

"I didn't think you'd like horror or anything with swearing", I mumbled by her ear.

"It's a thriller, not horror. And all of the good shows have swearing, it's not my fault". "My 'no swearing' really only comes from personal preference, not morality".

"So, you'd tolerate it?", I raised an eyebrow.

"Not on my channel. I garnered a young audience because of my habit of almost never swearing and I don't think their parents would appreciate such foul words being heard by such young and inexperienced ears".

"Wait... 'almost never'? You've sworn before?!"

Stacy's POV

"I called BS on a tardis cabin in the Long Dark once. Three people called me out on it in the comments section, there probably would have been more had I not abbreviated it. It was funny how defensive they got considering I wasn't fully transferred into the no-swearing-Stacy in late 2014. I also quoted a swear word that someone said before in a very fancy font when editing back in like my third episode of the Cube", I end laughing to myself thinking back on it.

"Huh", is all he could reply.

"It wasn't that big of a deal back then", I solemnly ended.

We continued watching when suddenly I heard a dramatic"oh my god..." coming from my right.

Graser's POV continued, two hours later

I didn't expect to see so much blood and gore going into this. The show really goes all out to be visually disturbing. It wasn't just zombies dying either.  I heard a breath of relief and a muttered "good riddance!" coming from her. I didn't think she could be so morbid.

"What? He was going to die anyway. He might as well now so the group doesn't waste more resources on him. Besides no one liked him anyway and he was a liability and a nuisance"

"That's still messed up", I riposted upset and in disbelief at her insensitivity.

"Trust me. They do this on purpose! They make the most irritating wimp survive for way too long, sacrificing the lives of others who deserve to live,  just to engage the audience with frustration", she yelled out vehemently, not mad at me but at the fact. I can't say I didn't wince at the tone she used.

"Okay then...", I whispered speechlessly. We finished a few episodes and were a third of the way through another one when my eyes began to sting and get watery from fatigue. I started to feel dazed and hazy. I couldn't think properly anymore from all the information I'd absorbed in the past few hours. Head drooping I leaned to my left and then it all went black.

Stacy's POV

I felt a harsh nudge on my arm. I looked and was surprised to see him. It was only 8 o'clock, he shouldn't be this tired, tired enough to just fall over. I guess I forgot he only just came two days ago and might still be suffering from jet-lag. I considerately turned off my laptop and put it quickly aside. I then held him and cradled him between my arms half-sitting on the corner of the couch and pulled my blanket over him. Holding him close I kissed his forehead softly and played with his hair until I grew tired and fell asleep.

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