Gaeity That Alleviates

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A Week Later, The Day Before Departure

It was a long drive from Utah to California. We were going to the Beach for my last day visiting. We were headed to Newport Beach because according to her it wasn't filled with people and had beautiful sights. I had no complaints about it until I had to endure the car ride.

We had our swimsuits below our normal clothes and decided on leaving her pets at her mom's place.

We didn't really plan the day. All we knew was that we'd stay at the beach until 8 and probably just walk around the city for 10 minutes before we left. I'd be using the LA airport to go back home.

The beach houses soon came into view after 10 hours. it was evident the houses were kept in good condition and that the architecture must have been professional. They all looked amazing! I wouldn't go as far as to say that they were worth the wait, but the next 4 hours spent at the beach with my lovely girlfriend went beyond "worth it".

When we arrived it was already 4 so the heat was at it's worst for today. We got out of the truck and stripped to our swimwear. We started down the winding path. The concrete path curved downward almost endlessly and there were several times that I felt I was going to fall due to the steepness. Stacy seemed to deal with walking on mountainous slopes much better than me. 

She noticed my unstable clumsy walk right away and kept trying to teach me how to walk. 

"Knees slightly bent, weight on your toes, strides not too short, kind of march".

Each time I tried to follow instructions I succeeded temporarily, only to fall back into an awkward plod.

Finally, we reached the white sand. It almost looked like (bleached) flour. We took glee in looking at it in wonderstruck. It looked so soft, you couldn't really see the specks of individual grains of sand. I quick;y scampered across the sand towards a shaded area, and there I sat and held and let the sand sift through my hands, in awe. 

There were many boulders around with some vegetation and moss growing on them. I sat where a boulder bent inward making a little cave, practically hidden.

Stacy's POV

After finally helping Graser walk down the trail we found sight of pale sand. I had already been to this beach and other beaches with this magnificent looking sand but in spite of that I was still marveled by it mystifying look. Graser then inexplicably ran off, for who knows what reason, and I barely had a chance to catch sight of where he headed off to. He's a fast runner... maybe it's just the burning sand. I ran off in his direction to find him playing with sand like an innocent little kid. I was empathetic, who doesn't like to go back a few years and feel like they're a kid again? There are only a few times that ever happens in life. When you can deeply appreciate the simple things to find amusement.

I stood by him watching mesmerized by his actions, inexplicably admiring this. I sat by him and said, "you're a little too entranced by this, don't you think?", "Hm", he replied unamused by my question but looked at my direction with a slight smile. I scooched over closer to him and side hugged him sitting down letting him hold me with his dusty fingers. A salty breeze swept past us as we made eye contact. Damn, he has pretty blue eyes, I thought to myself. And I'm not really into blue eyes but his are crystally, they stand out yet they maintain their calm grey-blue. My eyes fixed on his I said "you have pretty blue eyes" before I leaned over and kissed his cheek playfully to which he responded with a chuckle and a "thanks?" I nuzzled his cheek before he continued with "... but that's not very original. I've heard that same phrase from countless of my viewers", 

"It doesn't matter if it's original if it comes from sincerity. Plus the fact that others have said the same thing only reinforces it".

"Mmm... sure", he said before leaning in to kiss me on the lips. I complied, I didn't mind his affection even if he was getting my bathing suit all sandy from his dirty hands. I love him, I long for this kind of closeness. Not having ever liked someone in particular before doesn't mean I've never yearned for this kind of nourishing bonding.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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