Stunning Indolence

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I woke up and beside me slept a beautiful girl. Her head tilted to the left, her right arm bent above her head, a knee bent, and the other straight, the white sheets ruffled about her. There's nothing wrong with acknowledging the natural beauty of a woman and admiring it. Awe-struck I reached out a hand to rub her cheek fondly.

After sitting and admiring her resplendent figure I finally got up and walked downstairs to get my toques from my baggage. I took all 12 out including the ones I wore yesterday and left them on the arm of the couch. I wasn't hungry yet so I headed back up the stairs. Walking in I stared at her and sat by her. I leaned over her and lightly embraced her over the sheets, my cheek resting on hers, the corner of my lip grazing on its skin. My cheek skimmed up over her cheek as I moved my head to press my nose against hers and then place it in the gap between her right eye and nose. I nuzzled her gently side to side being careful not to poke her eye. I held her by the arms that were warm from being in bed.

I was half-asleep when I felt her stir. I pushed myself up with my arms and sat a foot away. She moved to her side flailing an arm that covered her eyes dramatically. Moments later she groaned and moved back to her previous position. Her eyes now squeezing tight against the light she squinted and tried to open her eyes. I looked at her perplexed. She finally managed to flutter her eyes open after a few half a dozen attempts. She stared blankly behind me and then looked up at me bemused.

"Good morning, gorgeous", I spoke smoothly.

She sat up slowly saying, "Uh, good morning..." adorably sleepy-eyed. Having that oddly appealing disheveled look women get when they just wake up.

Stacy's POV

Blank. My sleep had no dreams I only slept. That is until I felt a disturbance and started waking up. The sunlight reaching in the room didn't help. When I woke up my vision was still hazed and I looked uncertainly at the opposite side of the room, then I saw his arm. I glanced up at him not knowing what to say. I had just woken up for goodness sake! 

"Good morning, gorgeous", he greeted.

Sitting up I replied, "Uh... good morning...", knowing he was most likely watching me sleep. I rubbed the sleep from eyes and looked down at my lap weakly still waking up.

"Come here, I have something to show you" he chirped unexpectedly holding both of my wrists and helping me up. I lost my footing but he was close enough to catch me.

"Woah, you're still getting your balance back, eh?", he twitted smirking.

He led me downstairs and to the couch. 

"Here, I want you to see these toques so you can choose", he explained.

There was a brown one with thin red and blue-gray stripes, another that was a plain mustard-yellow, a maroon woven one, beige, dark blue with teal streaks running vertically, another brown one, lighter brown, gray, bright purple with a little pom-pom, black with pom-pom, a cyan-colored one, and finally a white one with orange embroidery.

Graser's POV

I surveyed her gestures and facial expressions as she looked through. She definitely seemed to like some of them; I could tell which ones she'd picked by the way her face lit up. I watched with a stupid smile plastered on my face as her look back and forth at them indecisively.

"How many can I have?", she said looking up briefly.

"Half, I still need my own"

She looked at me straight-faced but with a look of approval in her eyes and then promptly made her choice.

"I'll take the white, red, yellow, maroon, beige, and purple," she said not facing me and took them.

She put the white one on, "How do I look?" she chirped happily.

"The same", I replied with intention.

She squinted at me baffled.

"You look beautiful regardless" I clarified.

"Oh, wow, such a flirt!" she quipped sarcastically and sashayed away.


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