Pool Day

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It was my last month in the states and we were running out of time. Apparently, Utah is also known for deserts and not just mountain ranges. She had bought a house down in a desert for her mom a while back and she suggested we go there so I could experience a true summer. "There's even a pool if you can't handle the heat!", she persuaded.

"It's already pretty warm here".

"What do you mean, it's barely reached the 80s since last week!"

"I only understand Centigrade, sorry".

"It's around 20 degrees Celsius", I stated. "It should be around 30 something over there, might be closer to 40, but it still gets terribly cold at night".

"I'll think about it..."

We were walking the dogs when the topic of summer came up. There was a pause before she began again.

"Graser, you're leaving in two weeks" she whined.

"I know, I'm surprised I managed to record and upload like normal without anyone noticing I was gone, well everyone besides Josh and my parents and friends" . . . tearing my gaze from the sidewalk and turning my head towards her I admitted, "but I'll miss you too" letting out a comforting smile.

Sighing heavily I gave in, "Fine, when are we going?"

"Oh, uh... it shouldn't take us long to pack, so, two days from now?"

"Well, you're the only one here who actually packs, so really that's up to you".

"Two days then", she spoke with finality.

Two Days Later

"Graser, get the cats they're in the cat carriers in the house", she commanded as she struggled to get Molly to sit on the seat and not the floor, her patience failing her.

I went indoors to pick up the cat carriers with the cats in them. I came back and by then both Page and Molly had been buckled in with special dog seatbelts that let them lie down. I maneuvered to the back seat and set them down on the floor below the dogs. The dogs were buckled and the cats were caged -- that sounds bad-- so they were protected. Plus I sat in the middle seat between Molly and Page. Stacy put her suitcase in the back with mine, and with the turn of a key, we were off.

We didn't really talk much along the way but I distinctly recall there being a swept in calm that could have taken away my worries had I had any. Not a magnificent kind serenity but a warming peacefulness that flowed through the summer air, making me drowsy.

Halfway there I heard her voice and I perked up from my muddled state.

"You're a bit quiet back there"

"I'm just tired" I blankly said eyes half-closed and watery.

"It's the heat, but you can get in the pool once we arrive. It'll help. How are the dogs?"


"Well, they'll have to wake up soon", she mumbled mostly to herself.

Finally, another hour and we arrived. I got the cats and left them in the living room cage opened. They rushed to what I'd later find out is Stacy's bedroom. By now Stacy's mom knew we were together and she recognized our love's sincerity. She knew we had a spark, a chemistry through mineclash but she always had the decency to not assume we wanted to be more than friends. She left that completely to us to decide.

With the dogs and Stacy arrived in the living room we promptly greeted her mother. We found her on the kitchen table completing a puzzle.

Taking my hand she took me to her somehow knowing where she'd be.

Gracy: Genuine Love, Gentle SorrowsWhere stories live. Discover now