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Silence says a lot more
Than you think.

You went out somewhere far from where you lived, but still in Korea.
People were looking at you because of your messy hair, extra big clothes,etc. But you didn't care.
You really didn't want to wear his clothes so you bought some clothes and wore it.
The clothes covered up everywhere so you didn't have to buy makeup.
While walking you bumped into someone.
'I-I'm sorry l-.' You stopped when you saw that it was your best friend in high school and college, Jimin.
'Omg...jimin?' He looked confused first but then his eyes grew wide 'y/n?!, omg I missed you so much. I almost couldn't recognize you, you look so terrible!' You looked down.
'Y/n, you are coming with me~ Okay? I'll let you meet the other guys!' You looked confused 'the other guys? Who are the other guys?'
He smiled 'you'll see them when we arrive'. He grabbed your arm to lead you to the car, but you flinched and pulled it away. He gave you a confused look 'what's wrong?' He asked worried 'nothing' you said giving him a fake smile. You didn't know how to tell him. You just saw him again, how could you tell it all to him??

You arrived at a villa. When you went out you saw someone already waiting at the door.
The guy looked confused at you and Jimin 'Jimin? Since when do you have a girlfriend?' He asked smirking.
'Hyung! She's my best friend from high school and college! I see her like my sister!!' He glared at the guy.
'Whatever, I'm Jin and worldwide handsome' he winked. 'Hyung!!...he is Jin hyung, the oldest in this house.' He smiled at you. You chuckled 'I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you' someone else appeared from behind 'is that a girls voice or is Jimin practicing his high-pitched voice again?' Jimin glared at him and then turned back to you 'so this is namjoon-Hyung' he pointed at the guy, he waved at you and you smiled 'it's nice to meet you, I'm y/n.' He smiled back 'it's nice to meet you too, I'm namjoon...why aren't you 2 coming inside?' He looked at Jimin, Jimin just smiled and invited you inside.
When you came inside you saw a whole mess and 2 other guys. 'I'm sorry for the mess, living with 6 messy guys isn't easy' Jin said. You just smiled 'it's okay, should I help you with cleaning?' You asked. He shook his head 'I can't let you do-' you already started. Even if your body hurts very much, you wanted to help because you knew how hard it was to clean up a whole mess on you own. You knew it because of your father...Jin whispered to Jimin and namjoon 'I already like her more then you guys' and then he went to help you.

After all 3 of them helped, you finally cleaned everywhere. The other 2 guys were sleeping on the couch until.. 'yah! You 2! Get up and introduce yourselves to y/n!' Jin said waking them all up. Their eyes widened when they saw you. One of the guys talked 'who's girlfriend is this??' Jimin glared at him 'she is my best friend from high school and college.' Before the guy could speak again Jimin continued 'and I see her like my sister, Teahyung.' He stated annoyed. The guy then mumbled a 'oh..' and smiled at you. He gave out his hand to shake yours while talking 'I'm Teahyung, nice to meet you' you shook his hand and introduced yourself too. The other guy then smiled too 'I'm hoseok! It's nice to meet you!' He said happily. After introducing yourself to him too you heard a unfamiliar voice 'what are you guys doing there?' He clearly didn't notice you at first until Jimin pointed at you introducing you. He just nod 'I'm yoongi.' he looked at you and then back to the guys 'jungkook called me. His car isn't working so he might come later. They all nodded. 'Should I go and get him?' Jin asked. 'If you want to.' Yoongi said before heading upstairs. 'Y/n, you wanna go to the garden?' Jimin asked. You just nodded. Their garden was huge. You 2 walked while he started asking questions 'so...after college..did you still stay with your dad?' He asked concerned. You nodded 'Do you remember the time we went to the police in high school?' You asked. He looked at the ground and nodded.


You and Jimin went to the police, you couldn't take it anymore.
You waited for a bit until a cop called you.
You and Jimin sat down and you started telling them everything.
It was hard but you tried your best. Even Jimin looked shocked when he heard everything. But in the middle of talking, the cop talked ' you really think I'm going to just believe that? Do you know how many teens come here telling the same stories, some of them even beat themselves up or get someone to beat them up for 'evidence'. Don't come up with those stories because you hate your parents. You are still a teen, it's normal to sometimes disagree with your parents, okay?!' You tried to speak but the cop told you to get out or he would call your parents and...he did. Your dad came in with his eyes burning but he didn't do anything until you were home. He beat the shit out of you when you arrived home. After that you didn't dare to go to the cops anymore.

End flashback

'How is it going between you and Chul? I heard you guys became a couple after college?' Jimin tried to cheer you up but he didn't realize he even made it worse. 'We....broke up..' you said trying to not remember last night. 'Really?! I'm sorry...' he said looking at the ground again.
You gave him a fake smile 'it's okay...'
it was not okay.
You almost went in and you realized Jin and the guy Jungkook already came.
While walking back inside Jimin asked something 'where are you staying? I can bring you if you want.' He smiled.
You thought for a bit 'I can go by myself..I'm staying at a hotel nearby..' you lied.
He rolled his eyes and smiled 'next time you should say something better. There isn't even a hotel nearby.' He giggled. You just nervously laughed not knowing what to answer. 'You can stay here~' he said smiling. He already knew you would say no so he cut you of 'I'm not letting you go anywhere. You're staying here.' He chuckled when you gave him a dead glare. At the end you had to agree because if you didn't, you knew it won't matter for Jimin. He probably wouldn't let you go. You went inside and saw Jin cooking, Teahyung and hoseok talking, yoongi was still upstairs, and the guy Jungkook was drinking...strawberry-milk? He was too busy drinking his milk until he saw you walking towards him. He choked on his milk 'nobody told me we had a guest?' He asked looking at Jin and Jimin. 'She is my best friend from high school and college.' Jimin stated pointing at you. Then Jimin turned at you 'this is Jungkook. And this is y/n.' He introduced him to you and then you to him. He gave you a cute smile 'nice to meet you y/n!' He smiled wider. You gave him a fake smile 'it's nice to meet you too.'
It made you sad that you couldn't really smile to anyone, It was always a fake one.
'Yah! Can someone maybe help me cooking?!' He looked around at the guys. Nobody answered.. 'I can help!' Namjoon yelled. 'Nope! Everyone except for you! When I asked you to bake an egg you couldn't even do that!! You burned the goddamn pan and the egg was still raw!! I still don't get how you even can do that!!' You burst out laughing when imagining it happen. 'I'll help you!' You said. Since you had to cook for your sister and dad apart everyday. You became a pro in cooking. He nodded and gave a knife. Can you cut the vegetables?' He asked. You nod and started cutting extremely fast. You didn't realize how they all were looking at the knife moving faster than their eyes. 'Woah! How can you cut so fast!? Jimin, is she a chef or something?' Teahyung asked still looking at the knife. 'Are you?' He asked. You shook your head. Still continuing. Jin looked at you proudly but then turned to namjoon 'yah! Namjoon! Learn a bit from y/n! You can't even cut an onion in half but look at what she does!!'. You chuckled a bit but just continued cutting.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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