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The most beautiful things
In the world
Cannot be seen
Or heard.
They can only be felt in your heart.

After the party

It was already late and you were pretty tired. You couldn't find any of the guys anymore.
You went to the bathroom and called Jimin because you only had his number.
You waited for a bit and than he answered:

'Y/N? What's wrong?'
'Nothing but where are you? I can't find any of you.'
'We are just talking with some of our old friends. Where are you? Do you want me to come?'
'Nah, I'll just wait by the car.'
'Oh yeah! Yoongi-hyung is there too. He has the keys so you can get into the car.'
'Okay, bye!'

You closed your phone and went out of the house. You saw yoongi sleeping in the front seat. You tried to open the door but it was locked so you knocked on the window.
He didn't even open his eyes but he just opened the door with his keys. You sat on the backseat. You looked outside thinking he won't say something but he did.
'Why did you come already?' He asked opening his eyes. 'I don't know, I was just tired and I couldn't find any of you so..I came here, what about you?' You asked. 'I was tired too. Wasn't really in the mood to stay there.' You nodded, but when you looked at him through the mirror, you could clearly see that he was sad. 'Are you okay? You seem sad..' you said still looking through the mirror. 'Mhm.' Was all he said. You wanted to say something else but the door suddenly opened almost making you fall 'Hey y/n!' Jimin giggled. All the others were there too. 'Hi.' You said looking at all of them.

*Time skip*

Jin was still the one riding but this time yoongi sat next to him. At the very back seats were namjoon, Teahyung and hoseok. Next to you was Jungkook and next to him was Jimin. You looked outside during the ride until you felt like someone was staring. You turned around and you saw Jungkook looking at you. You stared back so that he will stop but he didn't even care. 'What?' You asked still trying to make him look away. 'We have to talk when we're back home.' He whispered. You looked confused 'about what?'.
'You'll see when we are home.' He whispered again. 'Did I do something wrong?'. He didn't answer. He plugged his earbuds in for the rest of the ride leaving you with too many questions.

*time skip*

You finally came home. Jimin pulled you aside before Jungkook could say something.
He brought you to the garden and looked serious 'y/n.... the guys are curious about your past.' He said with a serious tone 'after they knew about your sister...they kinda became curious after what jungkook told. He told that he saw you crying in the garden and stuff...Y/n..tell them..tell them about everything, you have to. You can't just keep it all to yourself..' he started talking but you couldn't listen when you saw all of the guys trying to hide behind the door that leads to the garden. You finally knew what Jungkook was going to talk about. 'I-I'm tired Jimin...can we talk another time about this..please.' You said already going inside. You saw all of them running around in the house. They thought you didn't see them but you did. You went inside not saying anything. You just went upstairs. You were really tired. You slowly closed your door and laid on the bed..

It was dark again. Your sister's body was on the ground with blood. Your dad was standing there with a knife in his hands. Chul was standing next to you smiling creepily. You couldn't move again. But this time your sister woke up. She was still covered in blood but she just started walking towards you. She stopped in front of you and looked right into your eyes 'you killed me.' She whispered 'it was your fault.' It felt so real. The only thing that made you realize it's a dream was that you couldn't move. 'You are the reason of my dead.' was the last thing she said before she was gone. Than you saw your dad and Chul. They both smiled creepily while running towards you. You tried to scream but you couldn't. 'Y/n! Y/n! Wake up!' You heard a voice while they were still running...
It went black. 'Y/n! Are you okay? Wake up!' Was all you could hear before you woke up. You saw Jin standing next to you shaking you while panicking. He didn't even realize you were awoke. You sweated while sitting up. You almost couldn't breath.
He sat next to you, his breath was shaking 'a-are you okay, what the hell happened?!' He yelled. 'I don't know, what happened?' You asked. 'You started crying and sweating and breathing heavily and-' he stopped for a second 'you said 'I'm sorry' and stuff.' He said. You just sighed went downstairs to get a glass of water. You almost choked when you heard a voice behind you. 'Can we talk now?' You heard him say. 'Wtf Jungkook?!! When did you even come?!' You whisper-yelled. He didn't answer. 'I said can we talk now.' He asked again. You just nodded and followed him outside. 'What was happening in your room?' He asked. 'How do you even kno-' he stopped you from talking. 'Just answer my questions, please.' He said. You nodded again. 'What happened?' You waited a bit before answering 'I saw a nightmare and Jin woke me up.' You answered. 'What was the dream about?' He looked deep into your eyes while asking these questions. 'I..don't remember.' You looked to the ground while saying it. 'You're lying.' He said. You knew he'd understand it when you looked down but you couldn't look at him like that. 'I'm not.' You said still not looking at him. 'Then what about this?' He asked. You just looked confused until he grabbed your arm very hard which made you whin. You pulled it away but he took it again. It gave you too many flashbacks. You felt a tear running down your cheek. He rolled your sleeves up which revealed the wounds and blue and purple bruises. You immediately rolled it back down but you knew he already saw it. You started crying more. When you looked at him you could see his eyes wide still being in shock. You didn't know what to say or do.
You fell on your knees and just cried. But soon you felt him hugging you while trying to not hurt anywhere. 'I'm so sorry..' he whispered his voice cracking in the end. Is he crying too?
You looked at him and he was crying.
'B-But who did this? Or how? And-' you stopped him.
'It was And he....abused me, a-and killed my s-sister was my f-fault' you cried more while explaining it.
He was shocked again. You were just looking down.
He tilted your head up and whipped your tears off.
'Don't don't deserve to cry..let's go back inside okay?' He asked and you just nodded.
He opened the lamp of your room 'goodnight and...if you want to talk can wake me up..But I'll ask you more about this.' You didn't say something for a while 'can now?' He looked confused 'but aren't you tired? Your eyes don't look so should sle-' you stopped him 'I already started telling it to you...I won't just stop halfway..I don't think I can ever just talk about this anymore..' you said looking down again.
He just nodded and sat on your bed next to you.

You talked with him for the whole night...

Another chapter ended!
I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you'll enjoy the rest of it too!
I'm sorry for not being fluent in English
But byeeeee ly!~❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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