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Happiness is not something readymade.
It comes from your own actions.

It was the next week, you could hear the guys talking downstairs. You didn't want to do anything at the moment and you didn't even know what to do. One week ago you almost got raped and all stuff. You felt bad and weird. Actually more confused about everything. How will they even react to everything? Will everything be like before? Will they see me in a different way? Will Chul get out of prison one da- You thought to yourself until you heard a knock on your door. You didn't say something, but just pretended to be asleep. You waited for that person to go away but instead he came inside. 'Y/n?' He asked softly. it was Jin. You pretended to sleep, you didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. 'I know you're awake....I thought you might want me to bring your breakfast. It's here, please eat something okay?' And if you want to talk then I'll be here at any moment.' He said while putting the plate down at your desk. You opened your eyes. Did you want to talk? All of this made you sad and confused but you actually wanted to know how they felt about it and you just couldn't ignore everyone like that. You heard him open the door to go out but he stopped when you turned your head. 'I think I really do need someone to talk to.' You said with puffy and tired eyes. He nodded and smiled. He sat on your bed. 'How do you guys feel...about everything that happened..' you asked silently. He thought for a bit 'we are worried about you, you've been crying the whole week and you almost didn't eat or drink anything, and you didn't talk to anyone too. We really just hoped you are okay and we decided to give you some time..'. You nodded and listened carefully to everything he said. After a while you decided to finally go down straits and properly eat breakfast with the guys. When they saw you they all smiled and Jimin even got up and hugged you. You obviously hugged him back and sat next to him. You guys talked and laughed until you got a phone call.

'Hello? Am I talking to miss y/n?'
'Yes, that's me? Who are you?'
'I'm the advocate of your father, i'm very sorry but he passed away after his girlfriend's husband killed them both when he found out about their relationship.'
'W-What? He died?? I...I will come as soon as possible. Thanks for informing me.'
You're welcome, bye miss.'

'Who was it?' Namjoon asked. 'I-I have to go back to my village....he died.' You said not knowing how to even react to this. '' Hoseok asked. You nodded while taking your coat. 'We'll come with you..' Teahyung said concerned. 'Thanks but....I think it might be better if I go alone..' they respected your decision and watched you go with a taxi.

2 weeks later

'Dad...I'm going to go back to the guys.., I hope you're with mom and Ji su and I hope you're happy now...take care of them and of yourself. You might've not been the best dad gave me good memories when my mom...was still with us and I'm thankful for that. I guess I'll be going then, I love all of you, bye.' You said looking at their graves that was next to each other's. You felt a tear almost falling down your cheeks but you whipped it off before it could fall. You went back with a taxi and was shocked when you got inside of the house.
It was dark inside with candles and rose petals, there was a table filled with food and so much more beautiful things. 'Did you like it?' You heard someone say from behind you. When you turned around you saw Jungkook with a suit standing in front of you. 'It's beautiful!' You said really amazed. He chuckled a bit. 'Y/ you remember the day we were alone and I was sick and the day Teahyung locked you up with me....well those were planned by me...except for the sickness then...' he laughed nervously while rubbing the back of his head. 'Why'd you do i-' you stopped yourself when you realized where he was going. You mumbled a 'oh' and continued listening to him. 'Y-yeah so..uhm..we know each other for a long time now and I wanted to ask if you...wanted my girlfriend?' He said while closing his eyes and giving you a bucket of roses. You chucked at how cute he was and took the roses. He opened his eyes 'is this a yes?' You nodded your head 'yes, it is.' You answered smiling. He hugged you tightly and you hugged him back. 'Should we eat?' He smiled brightly. You nodded again and wait down while he did the same. The whole night went by fast while you guys talked and ate while at the other side...

'So guys...where are we going to stay?' Teahyung asked. 'I don't know but if it ain't comfortable then I'm going back home.' Yoongi said. 'No hyung! Jungkook didn't call me which means it went good and we can't-' Right at that moment, Jimin got a phone call from Jungkook. 'Did something perhaps happen?' Hoseok said looking at the screen. Jimin picked the phone up and put it on loud so that everyone could hear. 'Hey guys!! It went perfect!!! But y/n said that you guys should come home because we already ate-' Jimin stopped him 'first of al OMG, I KNEW YOU 2 WERE SOMETHING and second of all-' he realized he was the on.y one who wasn't in the car already. 'Okay I gotta go, we are coming right now, bye!' He closed his phone and ran to the car.

You and the others decided to watch a movie. Hoseok was making the popcorn and you sat next to Jimin until they came to tell him everything. 'Y/n, go sit next to Jungkook during the movie!' Jimin whispered to you. 'But-' Hoseok came in and turned the lights off while Teahyung put the movie on already. Jimin realized that you didn't plan on standing up and going to Jungkook so instead he went to sit next to him and he shoved Jungkook on the ground next to you. 'Wait, where the hell did Jimin just go?' You looked around and saw him wiggling his eyes to Jungkook while pointing to you. You glared at him when he saw you looking at him and he just giggled silently. When you looked at Jungkook he was looking forward nervously with widen eyes and he didn't even dare looking at you. You chuckled a bit and decided to just watch the movie. You knew that a jump scare was about to come because of the silence in the movie but it still scared the hell out of you. You hugged jungkook's arm while closing your eyes. When you looked up you saw everyone's eyes on you 2 and then the lights went on. 'AHHH, CUTE!!' Hoseok screamed. 'WE KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!!' Teahyung jumped up and down out of excitement and so did the others. ' wasn't even anything..guys  he is my boyfriend now so isn't this kinda normal?' You said. They all went silent until Jungkook laughed. Namjoon turned the lights off again. This time you just hugged Jungkook while eating popcorn and watching the movie and he did too. At the end of the movie, veryone was already asleep except for you, Jimin and namjoon. 'Are we going  to just leave them here?' You asked. 'Yeah, they already usually sleep everywhere so it doesn't really make any difference.' Namjoon said. 'Y/n~~ you know in movies the couple always go to be-' . You shut his mouth 'Jimin, if you say another word then I'll-' Namjoon cut you off 'well..he is right tho. We'll sleep, you'll wake up Jungkook and you guys-' you cut him off immediately 'goddamnit you 2! I'm really going to kill you both!' You whisper-screamed. They started laughing which woke everyone up. They all looked confused and tired while Jimin and namjoon were still laughing. You just said goodnight and went to your room after putting the plates away. But on the stairs you heard Jimin telling jungkook the things he was going to tell you but Jungkook just listened while turning red. You locked your door when you entered the room. 'Nope, I'm not letting anyone in tonight.' You whispered to yourself while putting on your pj's. 'Y/'s me Jungkook, can you open the door please?' He asked while knocking on the door. 'No- I mean I'm putting on my pj's so have to wait a bit.' He said okay and waited a while until you opened the door. It surprised you a bit that he came with some cookies and milk. 'Jimin hyung told me i should bring you something to eat.' He smiled. You chuckled and nodded. He sat next to you on your bed and you 2 started to eat. 'Did you make these?' You asked. 'Yes, I just baked them, are they good?' You nodded but bursted out laughing when you saw a tiny paper next to one of the cookies saying 'I made them, jin.' Jungkook looked confused 'what?' He asked trying to see what's on the paper. 'This paper just explains how good you are at cooking.' You giggled while showing him the paper. 'HYUNG!!!' Jungkook yelled. You heard jin yell from downstairs 'what!? You deserve it okay?! I made them not you!' He yelled. You just continued laughing. The night went on with you 2 talking the whole night...

The next chapter is the last chapter!
I really hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading!
Lyyyyyy! Byeee~~~~

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