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Is it coming?

You woke up at someone's breathing. You opened your eyes and Jungkook was next to you, he was still asleep. It shocked you at first but you luckily didn't wake him up. You slowly stood up and put the blanket on him. You almost went in the bathroom until he spoke 'y/n?' He whispered still sleepy. 'Oh..did you wake u-' you turned around and you saw how hard he was sweating. 'Can Jin..I'm not feeling well..' he said still sleepy but clearly in pain too. You nodded and went downstairs but nobody was there so you called Jin but he didn't pick up. You decided to call the rest until you saw a note.

We see how you and kookie look at each other!
Don't you dare saying it's not true. We saw him in your room~
So we thought to give you guys some time alone~
We won't be back any time soon but I'll text you when we'll be back~~~
Byeeee bestie!


You rolled your eyes and went back upstairs to see how he was doing. When you went in your room, he was rolling on the ground while holding his stomach. 'Where is Jin hyung?! I'm dying here!' He said dramatically. 'Uh...t-they went a....tiny vacation!' You said. 'A vacation?! Without us?!?! Since when do they do that?!'
You shrugged a bit and looked at him rolling all around while thinking about what you could do.
'We gotta put you in yoongi's room.' You said while helping him up. 'You know he'll kill us right?!' He said still holding his stomach. 'Well he has the most comfortable bed! What the hell am I supposed to do?! I'll bring you to his room and call the doctor okay?!' You said hurriedly while dragging him to yoongi's room. When you finally put him there, you went downstairs to take your phone and called the doctor.

'Hello, How May I help you?'
'My friend has a very bad stomach ache, should I bring him to the doctor or should I just handle it at home??'
'Well...even if you bring your friend here, it's too busy here so I'm not sure if it's a good idea miss. You would have to wait at least 1 hour.'
'Ugh.. okay then...-'
'Mhm, my next patient is comming miss. Goodbye.'

She closed the phone and you just stood there. You thought about what to do first and what to do next.
At the end, you came upstairs with the pills that you had to search the whole house for, food, tea, warm water with lemon and honey, a towel to put on his forehead and 2 other pillows that are softer. It was hard bringing them but you however did it. When you opened the door, he was sweating more then before. You put everything down slowly and went to him. You checked his temperature. His sweater was wet as hell. You took a shirt from his wardrobe and took a towel from the bathroom but you realized that you had to ask him before helping him. 'Uh.....Jungkook...I know that you're in too much pain but...I have to ask it, you know? Uh...should I change your sweater or are you still able to do it yourself?..' he waited for a bit before answering 'I'll do i-' he vomited on you while talking. suddenly his stomach went worse. He held it tightly, you knew he couldn't do it on his own so you slowly helped him sit. You took of his sweater and you put his shirt on him. You took a bucket from one of the rooms that nobody used and you put it next to him. You helped him drink water while also taking the pill. You got the two pillows and slowly put it behind his head. Then you put the wet towel on his forehead and helped him slowly drink the warm water with lemon and honey. After a while you gave him his food which was chicken soup. It wasn't the best because you had to make it fast. When everything was finally done, you realized that he was better then in the morning. You looked at the clock and it was 1pm. You felt relieved until you smelled something very bad. You looked around but then you realized that it came from you. The vomit was still on you. You forgot to put on new clothes because you were so busy trying to help him. He was still awake but he almost fell asleep. 'I'll be right back!' You shouted and almost went away. 'Where are you going?' He said with a raspy and tired voice. 'Well you vomited on me if it still isn't clear! I'm gonna wear something else, okay? I'll be back as soon as I can.' You said, he just smiled and you ran to your room after closing the door. You took out the first clothes you saw and wore them. Then you went back to his room and he was already asleep. You slowly went to him to make sure everything is okay. When you were sure, you went downstairs and you took your phone to try to call the rest hoping they'll pick up.

None of them picked up. You sighed and went to your room to sleep a bit.

You woke up at the sound of the doorbell, you looked at your phone first and it was 8pm.
You looked thought the window and you saw some of the members.
You immediately took your slippers and you ran downstairs. When you opened the door they had a smile on their face until they saw the slipper and the anger in your eyes.
'YOU GUYS- YOU JUST LITERALLY F*CKING LEFT US HERE WHILE HE WAS SICK AS HELL AND WE DONT EVEN-' you stopped when you heard Jungkook talking while coming off of the stairs. 'Hyung?' He asked with his eyes still half closed. Your eyes softened but when you heard the others laugh nervously, you started to get angry again. You took another slipper and started chasing after them. You could hear them laugh while running and Jungkook was sitting in the couch even laughing harder.

Another chapter done!
I hope you enjoyed it!!
What do you think will happen next?

Nepenthe •jungkook ff• [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now