Chapter 1

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Hey everyone! So I did a little bit of editing, nothing extreme, but I did change up the first few chapters because I wanted something a little different. The rest of the story is still the same though.


Harry's POV

"Teddy! Its time to go!" I called down the hallway.

"Coming!" He shouted back.

It has been ten years since the Battle of Hogwarts and everything seemed to be doing alright.

I'm teaching at Hogwarts as the DADA professor. I decided that I had seen enough death for one life time and turned down the opportunity to become an Auror. Not only that, but I wanted to raise Teddy right seeing that he his my Godson and my responsibility.

Teddy stood next to me as I grabbed his hand, ready to apparate the both of us to his school.

It's a wizarding school for those who are too young to go to Hogwarts quite yet. They teach them to control their magic that would burst with extreme emotion and they teach them to read and write, along with a few other things, but no spells or potions, that wouldn't happen until Hogwarts.

We apparated right in front of the school. "Bye dad, love you!" Teddy called running up into the building.

"Bye Teddy! Love you too!" I shouted back. Teddy knows what happened to his parents after I told him about it when he was six. Before then, I would always tell him stories of the great people Remus and Tonks were. He was saddened at the idea of never meeting his parents, but later stated that it will never change the fact that I was like a father to him. It brought tears to my eyes when he told me that.

I apparated back to my home, preparing for another day of teaching.

See, when I was offered the job, I was afraid of having to leave Teddy for several months out of the year, but Headmistress McGonagall reassured me of that.

We set up a floo system that allowed for me to travel to my office and back to my house whenever. I also set up a communication system in my classroom so if one of my students needed me after class hours, they would just recite the spell that sat on my desk and it would alert me instantly.

It was very generous of Minerva to set this up for me, she said that all professors with children had this advantage so they could keep in contact with them, especially single parents like myself.

Hermione also has one in her office as she now has a five year old girl named Rose.

Neville is in the process of getting his own set up as he's expecting his first child as well.

Hermione and Ron married after the war and a year later Neville and Luna got married. Both couples are extremely happy.

I never married. I was in a relationship with Ginny for a little while after the war, but it had changed us both in many ways. Ginny grew to be a strong witch and is now engaged to a wizard she met while traveling for her job. She's a professional Quidditch player and leaves the country a lot.

I loved her very much, I still do, but she was honest with me about our relationship. She loves me as much as I love her, but we see each other as siblings more than anything and so we broke it off.

To be honest it was a bit of a relief. My constant one hour terrors would freak her out so badly that I tried my best to hide it. I knew it was hurting her to see me like that and so now, she rarely ever sees them occuring.

Classes were gonna start in a few minutes, so I flooed into my office and collected everything I needed that was on the agenda today.

When I stepped out, students were already filling up the room.

My first lesson is with the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw first years.

When the class settled I began the lesson on how to cast disarming spells.


The day went smoothly by between teaching fourth years about hinkypunks and fifth years about curses, but during my final class, it took a turn.

I was in the middle of teaching the sixth years about dementors when my body tensed up and it became harder to breathe.

After living with it for ten years now, I knew what it meant.

"For the rest of class I want you to write a six inch essay on what a dementor is and what exactly is the dementors kiss. You may be excused once class has ended and I trust you will be responsible." I said.

No one but the people closest to me know of my condition. I have kept it well hidden from all of my students.

At first they all were curious as to why I am always leaving class at random times during the day, but they now see it as a usual thing and don't question me anymore. They know I won't say anything.

I made it into my office and put up all the silencing and locking charms before falling onto the ground.

My breathing became rigid and harsh.  Screams penetrated the room as my skin felt on fire and blood pooled on the ground.

I go through this once a day, everyday for exactly an hour. My skin feels like it's on fire, my bones feel like they are snapping, deep cuts form all over me, my skin turns black and blue. Third degree burns appear on the surface of my arms and legs. It's absolutely miserable and there's nothing I can do about it.

Voldemort cursed me, right before he turned to dust. Healers and curse breakers of all sorts have tried to find a cure, but to no avail.

It's an unclassified curse that Voldemort himself had created, meaning only he knows of the cure, but he's dead. So I am stuck like this forever.

I start to cough up blood as I try to slow my breathing. I lay sideways on the ground, clutching my throat and other sore parts of my body.

My voice grows hoarse from all the screaming and the room becomes darker. I never pass out though. Almost like it's another part of the curse, you're not allowed to go unconscious in the process of it. That just makes it all the more unbearable.


Alright! Here it is. The first chapter of my new book! This was mostly just an informational chapter so I promise the story will get better and make more sense in the future. I hope you all enjoyed and since this is informational, I'll post a second chapter in a bit to give a better feel. Afterwards though I will be updating The Scars That Haunt Me and Curse of Pain every Sunday.

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