Chapter 21

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Draco's POV

I have never seen something as horrifying as what I witnessed from Harry. I completely understand why he shuts everyone out. It's terrifying.

It's been about a week now since the first time I've seen it happen. Harry started teaching again and so when he was home and had an episode, I made sure I was with him, cradling him in my arms as much as I can.

When it first happened Scorpius and I were at Blaise's house catching up when my bracelet detected the mood shift of Harry from carefree to fear and pain. I knew then what was happening.

I knew he kept deactivating the bracelet every time it happened because I would be able to feel him one moment and not the next.

I'm so glad he trusts me enough now to let me hold him while he goes through this. Out of everyone in the world, Harry deserves it the least and I hate Voldemort even more for what he did.

Since then, I've been researching and testing potions and anything else I can think of to help him. I've come up blank though. He's right. This is something Voldemort created. Finding a cure will be near to impossible, but I won't give up. He doesn't deserve this and I'm noticing it's getting worse. I know I've only seen it a few times, but there are definite signs. For one he becomes even more exhausted from it than the day before, the cuts are deeper, and the burns are angrier.

Maybe it's his body giving up, after ten years of torture you could only assume that his body is growing weaker. I'm worried it might actually kill him one day. It scares me to death to think that something might happen.

Harry and I laid on the couch at my house as the kids played in Scorpius' room. I've recently spent more time with Harry and Teddy, enough so that we just decided to officially change one of my guest rooms into Teddy's room and vice versa for Scorpius at Harry's house.

The boys like to switch off regularly. It's funny really.

We've told them about our relationship the day after Christmas. Scorpius was furious. I thought for sure he hated us now, but turns out it's because the boys placed a bet on us and Teddy won.

Apparently Teddy thought we'd get together before break was over while Scorpius thought it would be after. They've suspected for awhile now and I guess they have no concerns at all on the matter. Actually, both of them seem even more enthusiastic than before. They'll walk into the kitchen separately in the morning, look at each other and say 'good morning, brother!' First time it happened startled Harry so badly he slipped and burnt his finger on the stove and I spilt my coffee, they then proceeded to laugh as loudly as they could finding the whole situation hilarious.

I felt a shift in my lap. Looking down I found Harry fast asleep. That's another thing I've noticed. He's sleeping way more than the average person should.

I fear that if we don't find a cure soon, then this will take his life. I've exchanged a few words to Granger about the matter and she agrees.

Harry has gotten worse. Most of the potions he takes have stopped working, but I guess it's ok since I heal most of him. However, I can't give him back his energy. He's constantly drained now.

I have to find a cure and I have to find it fast.

"Dad?" I looked up. Scorpius and Teddy stood in the entrance to the living room. "Is he asleep again?" The boys have noticed it to. I occasionally find Teddy crying in his room with Scorpius comforting him. He's afraid. We all are.

"Yes, but he'll be alright." I try to reassure the kids as much as possible, but they're not dumb, they know what's going on.

"He's getting worse. Draco, what if one morning my dad won't wake up?" Teddy asked me. His hair turned pale as a tear slipped from his eye.

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