Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

Several days have passed since Malfoy and his son wandered into my life.

Malfoy and I have been getting on quite well, despite our past. Teddy and Scorpius have become as thick as thieves as they are now hanging out after school with one another constantly.

Currently, I am sitting in my office grading some papers when there's a light knock on the door.

"Come in." I called.

The door creaked up and in came Hermione.

"Hey Harry, I brought you your weekly potions." She set down a box filled with new potions that I go through rather quickly.

"Thanks 'Mione" I smiled at her and stood up from my seat to give her a grateful hug.

"No problem. How is Teddy?" She asks sitting on the edge of my desk.

"He's good, but you will never believe what has happened in the past few days."

Hermione gave me a curious glance.

We haven't talked much in the last few days, we've been so wrapped up in preparing the students for exams to have an actual conversation.

"Teddy introduced me to a new friend at the beginning of the week."

"New friend? What's so scandalous about that?" She asked.

"Well, nothing of course, but what surprised me the most is when I met the boys father. His father being Malfoy, of course."

Her interest peaked as she looked at me. "Draco Malfoy? Really? That's very unexpected. Have you two knocked each other's teeth out yet?"

"No, actually. Believe it or not, but he has changed. In more ways then one. Him and his son seem to be getting on really well."

"Changed? Malfoy? I don't think I ever could see the day to come." She replied. She had a thoughtful look on her face as she stared at nothing in particular.

"Yes, well, the war has changed us all. Not to mention he's a dad now and so, I guess raising Scorpius has changed him."

"True. Well, I would certainly like to see this 'new' Malfoy. Maybe we all can move on from the past." She suggested.

"I'll talk to him the next time I see him." I told her.

"Splendid. Maybe sometime over break?" Break starts after next week. Seeing as it is a Friday and next week is exams week.

"Works for me."

"Alright, well I'm off. Ron's coming home early tonight and so I need to get started on dinner. Are we meeting at the cafe Sunday like always?" She stood from off the desk and walked to the door.

"Of course we are. I'll see you all then."

"Ok. Bye Harry."

"Bye." Hermione left the room. I glanced at the clock and realized it's time for me to pick up Teddy from school.

I went through the floo and apparated to the school.

Just like suspected, Teddy stood next to Scorpius and Malfoy. I walked up to the three.

"Hello everyone." I greeted.

"Hi Dad!" Teddy called and gave me a hug.

"Hi Teddy. How was school?" I hugged him back.

"It was good! Mr. Draco and Scorpius have invited us over for dinner tonight. Can we go?"

I looked over at Malfoy. He gave me a small smile, so I smiled back.

"Sure. I don't see any harm in it." I told Teddy.

The four of us all grabbed hands before apparating away from the school and in front of a decent sized house.

It was a white and gray home of two stories with a beautiful garden out front, despite the frigid cold.

Malfoy led us all inside. The second we were in, Scorpius grabbed Teddy by the upper arm and pulled him towards the stairs.

"Come on! I'll give you the grand tour!" Scorpius claimed.

I followed Malfoy to what looked to be the kitchen. It had a lot more wizarding appliances than my home did, but he did grow up a wizard so it made sense.

"Tea?" Malfoy called.

"Sure." I replied and took a seat on the stool as he heated up the water. "You have a beautiful home, Malfoy."

"Thanks. Oh and please. I think we've been on friendly enough terms for to call me Draco."

I smiled. "Alright, Draco. Then you may call me Harry."

"How about Scarface?" He asked throwing me a tease filled smirk.

"Ha. Ha. I mean. If you want to call me that, then I get to call you ferret." I replied.

He gave me a stunned look. "You wouldn't."

"Bet I would." I smirked back.

"Fine. Harry it is then."

I chuckled. "Good decision."

He laughed lightly with me. The tea was soon done and he passed me a mug.

"Thank you."

He nodded his head towards me before pulling things out of the refrigerator. "What happened to the mansion?"

"Oh, I sold it after my mother passed. I couldn't stand living in that house, not after everything. Plus it was way too big for the two of us." He replied.

When he was done, his arms were full of different things. "I hope you like linguine."

"You know how to make linguine? Draco Malfoy. The boy who can cook."

"Very funny. Yes, I can cook. I taught myself after Scorpius was born."

"No house elves?"

"No house elves. I set them all free after the war." He glanced at me.

"Hmm. That was nice of you." He shrugged his shoulders.

"I try."

I smiled towards him. Yeah. Not the same man in the slightest.

The two of us continued to talk to one another quite animatedly as he cooked dinner.

I offered to help, but he refused saying I was his guest.

I don't know what it is, but I really enjoy this new Malfoy. He's more open and friendly.

He's actually quite funny when he wants to be as well. Even Teddy seems to really like him and is constantly inviting not only Scorpius over, but Draco too.

I never would have guessed the two of us standing in the same room as one another and not trying to hex each other. It feels rather nice.

Draco and I are indeed getting closer, but I fear with the two of us hanging out with one another, he will soon learn of the curse that's been placed upon me and one of these days I won't be able to hide it.

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