Chapter Eight

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It was a delightful summers day, putting all of the students in a good mood. The scorching sun beamed down on them, warming their bodies to a comfortable temperature. Stiles' dingy, useless, old jeep sat in the school's parking area, filled with four chattering boys in a heated conversation about one girl. Debating on how they're going to protect her and she should be under constant supervision until they can figure out what the cryptic twins where planning to do to her. "speak of the devil" Scott joked. Just then, they watched the oblivious girl walk past the jeep and through the double doors leading into the building before them. Not far behind her, two big built men followed her steps, dressed in dingy, black, hooded jumpers. Consequently, this alerted the boys to jump out and follow them closely.

Ultimately, their stalking came to an end as they saw the mysterious figures walk into their classroom where their current lesson was about to start. Confused, they proceeded to walk briskly into the room, noticing both men taking a seat either side of Katherine and bring their hoods down. It's the twins. The symmetrical males flashed them a devious smile and leaned in closer to her. With precaution, they all took a seat not far from behind them and listened into their conversation. "Hey you must be Ethan. Aiden told me about you" she smiled at the twin to her right. Now the boys could put names to faces. "All bad I hope" he winked as she giggled.

The bell rang to signal the end of the lesson, throughout, the twins and Katherine were laughing and joking about anything that came to mind. In the midst of one of their conversations, she let Aiden down gently about only wanting to be friends. He pretended to understand but they eyes from behind him saw his fists where clenching. He obviously wasn't too happy about it, the boys gave him cocky smiles as he looked back into their directions which only seamed to anger him more.

As they walked out of class, Jackson and Scott wrapped their arms around Katherine's shoulders and led her down the hall in the opposite direction of the twins. Keeping their word that they would protect her.


It was mid-day and the outside tables where flooded with people trying to take advantage of the weather. Luckily, Erica and Lydia managed to claim a table of their own for themselves and their friends. One by one, they joined together at the table and an exited Lydia shared her thoughts on a party at her house over the weekend. All at once, everyone agreed they would be there whilst she wrote a status on her twitter account, welcoming everybody else to her event.

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