Chapter Thirteen

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The five teenagers walked through Scott's front door, relieved that school had finished knowing they had the evening to themselves as they where all caught up on their homework. They where just heading up the stairs but where suddenly stopped in their tracks. "Scott, glad I caught you.. oh I believe we haven't met. Hi, I'm Melissa Mccall, Scott's mom" the middle aged woman spoke, getting her keys out from her bag. "Wow, you're so pretty. My name is Katherine, it's lovely to meet you." She replied as Melissa shot her a huge smile. "Well I have to rush off to work, there's dinner in the fridge and money on the side if you don't like my cooking." She joked, giving her son a hug before exiting the house. "Shall we?" Scott gestured up the stairs and they proceeded.

"May I just say, you're looking mighty fine in leather" Stiles joked as they entered Scott's room and removed their jackets, throwing them anywhere and everywhere. "Animals" Katherine tutted and rolled her eyes as she picked them all up and folded them neatly. "You have no idea" Isaac tormented, earning himself a slap round he back of the head from Jackson. He took a deep breath, "Katherine, we have to tell you something." He said, taking her hands and leading her to the foot of the bed to sit down. Jackson walked towards the door to block her only way of escaping. As he did so, her face dropped and she began to worry. "Please don't freak out, what we're about to show you... nobody can know, but you need to see." Scott spoke and nodded towards his two friends. As in usion, they looked down, closing their eyes, when they opened them, she was shocked to see red, gold and blue eyes staring at her. She took a sharp intake of breath and stuttered, "How did you guys do that?"
"Because Katherine, were half human... half wolf." After hearing this her lips curled upwards a little and looked as though she could laugh but the serious look on their faces stopped her. "Wolf? As in werewolf? You're not serious." Her amused face made them realise that they had to go all out so she would believe them. Therefore, they once again closed their eyes and fangs began to grow, each boy let out a chilling growl before returning to their human forms. Katherine was surprised and full of horror. Shooting up from her seat, she made her way quickly towards the door, but Stiles grabbed her just in time. "Stiles! Let go of me!" She struggled and a tear rolled down her cheek. She wriggled out of his arms and backed up slowly until her back hit the wall. Pure fear was evident in her face and she began to think that this was the end. Her breath became shaky and her chest began to move up and down at a rapid pace as Scott walked closer and closer. He put his hands softly on her cheeks and wiped away her tears with his thumbs. "Katherine, were not going to hurt you. Please, just sit down on the bed and we will explain everything."

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